Have you ever been surprised at just how much your children have changed from when they were born?
When [name]Brynn[/name] was born, she had really pale skin, a head full of pin straight dark brown hair, and dark blue eyes. Now, at three, she has extremely curly dark blonde hair, green/blue eyes, and tan skin. Feature-wise, she still looks exactly like Hubby, but her coloring is much closer to mine when I was little. She looked so much like Hubby (coloring wise) when she was born that it’s very surprising how much she looks like me now. We knew that kids changed a lot as they grew, we just weren’t expecting it to be so much.
When [name]Oscar[/name] was born, he looked completely [name]Asian[/name], to the point where I wondered if there was any of me in there at all. He had dark gray eyes, dark hair, high cheekbones, asian eyes, yeah.
By the time he was a toddler, his hair was almost blonde (though dark brown now!) and his eyes are a lovely deep brown. He also looks pretty much like my little clone, especially in his expressions, while still managing to look more [name]Asian[/name] than white.
Babies are supposed to look like their Daddy when they’re born so the Daddy knows the baby is his!
I do find it fascinating, and I’m wondering how mine will look as she grows, if her hair colour will be lighter and her skin too. Her father is so fair, but right now her colouring is all mine.
If [name]Antoine[/name] didn’t share so many of his fathers features no one would suspect him to be half-Arab. Skin color is inherited in humans in a blended fashiion, such that children express both genes simultaneously (rather than inactivating one of them), so they usually have an intermediate tone between both parents’. Not so my son-- he is milky pale, and I can’t even see olive undertones when I look very closely.
He also has quite light strawberry blond hair, the roots of which are pale blond. We know many families where one partner is Arab and the other garden-variety Caucasian and the children nearly always have dark brown hair and brown eyes. I remember when I was giving birth, I had a mirror in the delivery room for motivation. I as nearly delirious with fatigue (40hr labor) but even through the fog the first glimpse of his hair made me think “whoa, that is way lighter than expected.”
His eyes were the gray-blue most Caucasian babies’ are, and have changed to gray and then to a grayish hazel, but not brown.
My mother-in-law jokes that she feels uncomfortable speaking to him in Arabic since he looks so white. It’s really mysterious.
[name]Willow[/name] is pretty similar to how she was as a newborn. Dark brown eyes and hair, lightly tanned skin. I think she’s a good mix of me (caucasian, brown hair, blue eyes, freckles), and hubby (black Caribbean, black hair, brown eyes).
I keep expecting [name]Veda[/name] to change! She’s so pale, she just looks white, like me. Her hair is medium brown with coppery undertones, like me. Her eyes were blue grey, and then just grey, but they seem to have settled into a medium golden brown. People keep saying that she’s just like me, and I’ve joked to hubby that maybe she was all egg, no sperm. Haha! But honestly, I just can’t understand how her skin is so light!!
blade - That’s what happened with me. My parents always joked that they should have made sure they got handed the right kid because I’ve always looked so different from the rest of my family. I’ve always been the odd man out in my family. [name]Both[/name] of my parents are very dark (Dad is half Euro-mutt, half Native American, and Mom is Spanish), as are both of my siblings (both have straight, almost black hair and dark brown eyes). I’ve always had green/blue eyes. My hair started out curly and dark blonde, but slowly darkened until middle school, when it was dark brown. Still, in the summer, my hair turns almost golden brown, especially on top.
Maybe [name]Antoine[/name] will darken as he gets older. That’s what happened with [name]Brynn[/name]. When she was born, she was extremely pale and had dark brown hair. But by the time she was about eighteen months, she was tan and had blonde hair. Or he could just be like me, and be the exception rather than the rule.
My daughter was born with blond hair and blue eyes - unlike both myself and my husband! While he had lighter hair as a baby, no one can believe that at 16 months my baby still has her [name]Aryan[/name] look. Especially since my genes are dark hair and dark eyes through and through! When people see her, they often comment that they can’t believe she’s mine. I say, “well, she’s the one they gave me in the hospital, so we’re assuming she’s the right one!”
I don’t have any children, but my friend’s son hasn’t changed much interestingly enough. Only gotten bigger in size, chubby cheeks, and legs etc.
His face is exactly the same in features and all, his skin has only gotten a little bit darker since but not by a big margin.
Still looks the exact same.
[name]Jax[/name] has a skin tone half way between DH and mine, as blade described above, but he has brown hair, which is much lighter than expected since he is half Chinese. When he was born, the hair on the top of his head was brown with blond tips -we used to spike it in his bath and it would stay up straight, with the blond tips at the top - one side was a reddish colour and the other side of his head was blondish. He looked like he had just come from the salon! That’s all fallen out now though and his hair is just brown. When he was born, he had bright blue eyes, but they have slowly turned brown… Although the occasional person will still ask if his eyes are blue in some lights. Overall, he looks just like his daddy, but with lighter features. We call him DH’s Caucasian version
mini mommy -your children are beautiful! In those two pics, they almost don’t look like siblings, though I’m sure they do more so in real life genetics are weird and wonderful, aren’t they?
When I was little I had blonde curls and no freckles. Now I have dark coppery ash brown hair (red in some lights, gold in others but ash brown in most) It’s still curly though My freckles are pointless. You can only see them if you look super close at my face but they’re prominent enough to make my face look blotchy without make-up :mad: Lol.
Anyone think we should do a ‘then and now’ thread? Berries as babies/toddlers and berries now?
My husband is half Navajo. He has black hair, dark brown eyes, and darker skin. I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and a light olive skin tone. So I was fully expecting [name]Rowan[/name] to come out with at least dark hair and eyes, but she has bright green eyes and pretty auburn hair. Her eyes were dark blue when she was born and they keep getting lighter and lighter. Similar to [name]Blade[/name]'s statement, I was semi-conscious after my c-section and I still thought to myself when I first looked at her “Wow, she’s definitely more Caucasian than expected!” Maybe the next child will get all of [name]Will[/name]'s dark genes, who knows.
My mom is one of 5 siblings and all of them are blonde, blue eyed, light skin, and very tall. And somehow my mom ended up with dark brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin, and only 5’3. We joke she was “the milkman’s kid.” Which, honestly, is not that far fetched. :o