DH has not been through what I have been through with our son’s name…that he named. [name]Ryan[/name] is way more common here than normal I think. In my neighborhood, there are 6 [name]Ryan[/name]'s out of 30 boys total. There is a [name]Ryan[/name] in every single one of my children’s classes. Plus, the only other babies I knew born that year local to me were named [name]Ryan[/name]. [name]Even[/name] when my children took outside classes, no matter how few children there were, they was always a [name]Ryan[/name]. AND, our oldest son’s name is [name]Riley[/name] so people confuse it all the time.
SO, we go out to eat last night. The hostess was [name]Ryan[/name]. Strike 1. Then, dh takes the kids out to play today. By the time he came home he said if he had to hear another parent call their child [name]Ryan[/name], he was going to run screaming. Strike 2. Get the idea? He said pick another name and we will go with it. A little recap (the long story is posted below) [name]Ryan[/name] is 19 months old and still does not go by [name]Ryan[/name]. He goes by a silly nickname. Goobee. Not kidding.
Now to picking what we will change his name to. It is between a name I named him originally, like [name]Liam[/name]. Or [name]Rowan[/name], which is so similar to [name]Ryan[/name], that we could pass it off as a nickname for a while. He has a 1st [name]Christmas[/name] ornament that has the name [name]Rowan[/name] on it. But my DH suggested [name]Rory[/name]. It is cool, but seems so hard to say. My dh says it was some guy in the masters. I am going to put in a vote on the boy name board, but would not mind suggestions or opinions. It is going to be so weird trying to get used to a name, especially since he has been Goobee so long!