How to spell Anna Lee-see-uh ?

I’ve always liked the sound of [name]Anna[/name] [name]Lee[/name]-see-uh, but I’m not exactly sure how to spell the “lee-see-uh” part. To be clear, I like [name]Anna[/name] [name]Lee[/name]-see-uh as both a double-barrelled first name AND as two seperate names with [name]Anna[/name] as a stand alone first. Right now I’m just wanting to know how to best spell [name]Lee[/name]-see-uh and if you like the names together.

Here are the ways I think it could be spelled:

[name]Anna[/name] Lisia
[name]Anna[/name] Lissia
[name]Anna[/name] Leasia
[name]Anna[/name] Leesia
[name]Anna[/name] Leecia
[name]Anna[/name] Licia (somewhat reminds me to the word lice…)
[name]Anna[/name] Liesia
[name]Anna[/name] Liecia

Any other ideas? Thank you!

I used to teach preschool and had a little girl with that name. she spelled it [name]Analicia[/name].

Thank you for your response!

The word “anal” draws my attention with the [name]Analicia[/name] spelling… I’m a weirdo, I know lol

Yes, ‘anal’ jumps out a bit, unfortunately. Annalicia, perhaps? [name]Anna[/name] [name]Lee[/name] Sia? [name]Anna[/name]-[name]Lee[/name] Sia? I like the idea of [name]Anna[/name]-[name]Lee[/name] as a first name, and Sia as a middle, Or [name]Lee[/name] Sia as two middles.

From your options, I think Liesia looks the prettiest and communicates the pronunciation best.

Annalisia or Annalicia, though I think with the later you’d get “[name]Lee[/name]-sha” vs [name]Lee[/name]-see-uh.

As a stand alone name I think Lisia would work best. I pronounce it just like [name]Lisa[/name] with “see” in the middle.
I think in this case Licia as a stand along wouldn’t be prounced close to what you’re looking for at all. Lice-ee-uh or [name]Lish[/name]-sha come to mind.

all of the “Lie” options make me want to say “Lie” as the first syllable, while all the “[name]Lea[/name]” options make me break that syllable into “[name]Leah[/name]” like the name.

I think “Li” is the best spelling, follwed by a “s” ending.

The one I know spells it [name]Annalisa[/name], which I find very pretty.

I agree [name]Annalisa[/name] would be the absolute best choice.

But wouldn’t [name]Annalisa[/name] be “anne uh lee suh”?

I think [name]Anna[/name] Lisia might lend itself well to the pronunciation I want, but Lisia just looks odd to me as a stand alone name. Annalisia looks more complete, but I think [name]Anna[/name] would be more professional later. It leaves more options if the two names are kept seperate.

[name]Do[/name] you guys agree? Any thoughts?


Anelicia? [name]Anne[/name] [name]Elicia[/name]? [name]Anne[/name] [name]Elysia[/name]?

[name]Ana[/name] [name]Lucia[/name]?

Wouldn’t that be pronounced anne-uh loo-see-uh?

You might be on to something! I like [name]Anne[/name] [name]Elysia[/name]… I would have never put that together! Thank you!

I still like [name]Anna[/name] better than [name]Anne[/name] though. But your suggestion is great because [name]Elysia[/name] is much more substantial than Lisia

We have one at our daycare, her name is [name]Ana[/name] [name]Lisa[/name].

I think Anneliesia would be pretty.

Annaliseia doesn’t look quite right. Annaliesia is a lot of vowels too, but I think that’s the spelling I would use. I think this would work as a professional name or the shorter [name]Anna[/name] could work if she preferred.