🍄 how would you describe my style?

hi berries!

i feel like i’m getting a sense for what kinds of names i like, but i’m not sure how to describe it! they’re sort of all over the place, so i’m curious to see how my “style” (or lack thereof) is perceived by the berries :grin: feel free to give a description, imagery, emojis, whatever you’ve got! thank you so much in advance!

here are my top names & combos! you can also look at my uc if you want. i’m really indecisive so i apologize for the amount of top combos i have, i couldn’t bring myself to get rid of any of them :joy:

top combos:
adelaide iris :tulip: amadeo finnian :tulip: antonela sunflower :tulip: arcadia rose :tulip: asher wolf :tulip: ashira calypso :tulip: aurelia ivy :tulip: cadenza vivian :tulip: caspian august :tulip: cassiana daylily :tulip: delfinia seaglass :tulip: elisabeth wilde :tulip: elliot rowan :tulip: emmett orion :tulip: evander wolf :tulip: evelyn wildrose :tulip: finja rowan :tulip: finnegan cove :tulip: fiorella joy :tulip: galilea sunrise :tulip: jasper nathaniel :tulip: jessamy alpenglow :tulip: jethro pax :tulip: juniper maeve :tulip: leander cosmo :tulip: leocadia tempest :tulip: luella jane :tulip: marceline phoenix :tulip: matilda juno :tulip: oslo remiel :tulip: sereia july :tulip: solana jade :tulip: theo juniper :tulip: theora violet :tulip: zephira poet :tulip: zipporah lucy :tulip: ziva june

top single names (i haven’t found a combo i like for them yet)
bellamy :honeybee: brynja :honeybee: casimir :honeybee: caswyn :honeybee: elocadia :honeybee: emrys :honeybee: evren :honeybee: ferelith :honeybee: flynn :honeybee: genoveva :honeybee: ismay :honeybee: leora :honeybee: lily :honeybee: lucian :honeybee: safira :honeybee: salomea :honeybee: vivendel

I’d describe your style as fresh, bold and elegant, names with spark and sparkle, connections to nature and all round earthy vibe

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I love your style!

I’d say it’s wordy and whimsical with a nature vibe and leaning towards maximalism (Jessamy [name_u]Alpenglow[/name_u]? Delfinia Seaglass? [name_f]Leocadia[/name_f] Tempest?! stunning!!!)

@Greyblue i love your description! i definitely do gravitate towards earthy vibes :seedling:
@persephonescrown thank you so much! :grin: and your description defintely fits.

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I’d say a good mix of trendy, vintage, and eccentric

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