I think I’d like to be asked first, unless it was a sibling. If it was a sibling and they surprised me, I’d feel very honoured. Though, I am very close with my brother and sister. If someone else did it, I think I’d find it a bit unusual, so I’d definitely want to be asked first.
I think I’d be happy, but it depends on which one of my names.
I’d be more than delighted if it was [name_f]Lyra[/name_f], but I’m not sure how I’d feel about [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f] since I know how hard it is to write that properly in our country. (Currently there is only around 9 thousand [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f]'s in Denmark, but there is only 9 [name_f]Lyra[/name_f]'s. Beautiful, right?
If they did it without asking me I wouldn’t care too much, mainly due to that they believe that the name is the perfect for their child. It also depends on if I’m the uk or Denmark, because it’s not common for Danes to take names from Family and give to their children. Atleast not in my part of Denmark, it ranges of course. ^^
I would feel honoured and flattered at the sentiment, but I don’t particularly love either my first or middle name (don’t hate them, but don’t love them either) so I wouldn’t be particularly excited. It would seem a bit odd no matter who it was- my family/social circle doesn’t tend to do honour names- but I wouldn’t be offended. [name_f]My[/name_f] name is common enough I don’t really feel possessive of it.
Like others, I would be honored. But I agree with sunkissedchild that, unless it was a sibling (or much later down the road, one of my own children), I would like to be asked first… maybe with my best friend, who is like a sister to me, I wouldn’t mind being surprised, though.
Unless it was a family member, I wouldn’t assume it was after me! Maybe they just liked my name?
I have this same situation backwards, we really like one of our female friend’s name, but she’s not close enough to call it a honouring. Although she has wonderful qualities, we wouldn’t want our closer friends to feel miffed? Does that even make sense?
I would feel very honoured! If they did or didn’t ask it would not really bother me! I would feel very very very happy if they used the [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] or [name_f]Louise[/name_f]! As my name is [name_f]Chloe[/name_f] [name_f]Louise[/name_f].
I’d be honored and kinda pleased–I like my name and have enjoyed going through life with it, so I’d be excited to share it with someone else, especially the child of a family member or close friend. Unless it was someone I was super close to, though, I wouldn’t assume they’d named the kid after me specifically.
I actually have a friend who once said, out of the blue, that he really likes my name and wants to name a future daughter [name_f]Gwen[/name_f]. Which is funny, because I love his name too, and it’s on my list.
I don’t like my name. The original spelling of my name is in the top ten, and contrary to popular belief, spelling my name differently hasn’t made me feel any different from the other people with my name (imagine that…). To be honest, I’d feel bad for the kid. I wouldn’t want anyone to do that. If they asked, I would say no, please don’t name your kid that.
Plus I would feel then obliged to use their name for my kid, and unless it’s one of the combos in my signature, that’s not happening.
I’d be fine either way! I’d like if they asked for my input, but only because I love naming things haha. I’m there there’d be plenty of options with the name [name_f]Katie[/name_f], so it’d be fun.
I think I would just stand there looking at them like ??? I’m planning to do this to someone actually and I’m not sure how its going to go. :-/ we don’t share our names so we are going to have to have a talk and hope its ok I wouldn’t suprise him in this case. The other name we have honors 2 people… They can be suprised because its a middle place. The former mentioned is a fn . Complicated when living people are honored. I know a family 2 girls and a boy. The girl has a name , that name she shared with her brothers wife and her sisters child… She affectionately calls them new and little with their name and says she was first she doesn’t get a prefix, she’s fine with it unless they call her old ___ then she’s :-/ that’s the problem with it, you don’t have so much controled of someone else walking around wearing your name . That said we will do it.
[name_f]My[/name_f] cousin asked me and, yes, it is possible he was just trying smooth the way for using a name he liked anyway, but I thought it was really sweet
He also named me the baby’s godmother when she was born. So now we a pair of buddies, [name_f]Bridget[/name_f] and little [name_f]Brigid[/name_f]
I’d feel really honoured, especially as it would be because of me, and not just that they happened to like my name. If they didn’t ask, I think I might feel even more touched! It would be such a nice surprise! The only problem, for me anyway, would be that I’d feel kind of bad if I didn’t honour them in some way. But I suppose it would be their own choice, so they probably wouldn’t expect that, but that’s how my mind works.
I’d feel honoured, of course, but I’d also feel bad for the baby because my name is “Chloey”, and I have met [name_m]WAY[/name_m] more dogs with the same name as me than People. And that can get annoying.
I would feel so honored to have a child named after me. I feel like if it was a surprise, though, I wouldn’t be too excited. It’s a big deal for a little one to have your name, so if you don’t feel comfortable with that, then it’s not a good thing.
[name_f]My[/name_f] cousin named her daughter [name_f]Kate[/name_f] [name_f]Elena[/name_f] (my name is [name_f]Kate[/name_f] [name_f]Elaine[/name_f]) and she never even asked me what I thought of that. It’s strange being introduced to a baby with almost your same exact name and never having given the parents your consent.