How would you get to the nickname Tibi/Tibby?

Any suggestions? I don’t mind if it’s a stretch!

What about the name [name]Tabitha[/name] and [name]Tibby[/name] for a nn? I’m also seeing it in the name [name]Elizabeth[/name] which carries so many nn’s.

Was gonna say [name]Tabitha[/name]

[name]Elizabeth[/name] or [name]Tabitha[/name]. [name]Bettina[/name] might also work, or something like [name]Thalia[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name] or another combination of a T-B first and middle… even [name]Matilda[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name]…?

[name]Tabitha[/name] was my first thought, though [name]Elizabeth[/name] is a good suggestion, also there’s [name]Christabel[/name], [name]Mehitabel[/name] & [name]Tabea[/name]

[name]Tabitha[/name] is the one I recomend.

Another [name]Tabitha[/name] suggestion.

  • [name]Athena[/name]

Thanks so much everyone! I’d had [name]Tabitha[/name], [name]Tabea[/name], and [name]Theodora[/name] (which didn’t get mentioned - does that mean it doesn’t work?) in my head as options. [name]Elizabeth[/name] hadn’t even occurred to me, but it seems obvious now!

I think [name]Theodora[/name] would work with a B middle name. [name]Theodora[/name] [name]Blythe[/name]?

[name]Thisbe[/name] (the original [name]Juliet[/name]) … I love this name and hadn’t thought of [name]Tibby[/name] as a nn … unfortunately DH has rejected it but maybe I will try again with your nn. Any particular reason (other than you like the way it sounds) you are trying to get to that nn?

I like pp’s suggestion of [name]Thisbe[/name]! I have to say I can kind of see [name]Timothea[/name] working too, [name]Timi[/name] to Tibi, again especially with a B middle name. Not that [name]Timothea[/name] is the easiest name…but I find it to have a certain charm.

You could do a T 1st name with a B middle name!

[name]Theresa[/name] [name]Bel[/name]én
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Bryony[/name]
[name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name]

Also: [name]Tina[/name], [name]Tasha[/name], [name]Tatiana[/name], [name]Titania[/name], [name]Tova[/name], [name]Tove[/name], [name]Briar[/name], Bryarly…and have you heard the name Tinuviel?

I love [name]Tibbie[/name] : )

I love Tibi so cute. I had though [name]Liberty[/name] nn Tibi. I know Berries in general dislike [name]Liberty[/name].

A NN for [name]Temperance[/name] is Tempe which sounds similar to [name]Tibby[/name]. [name]Just[/name] trying to come up with something other than [name]Tabitha[/name]. lol [name]Temperance[/name] [name]Belle[/name]?