I’ve heard it pronounced both “ah-dah” like in cab and “aid-uh” like in rain.
Which way do you pronounce it? Is there a correct way to pronounce it?
I’ve heard it pronounced both “ah-dah” like in cab and “aid-uh” like in rain.
Which way do you pronounce it? Is there a correct way to pronounce it?
I would pronounce it AID-uh. If there were two D’s I would say [name]ADD[/name]-uh.
I would pronounce it Ay-duh. This is one of our top picks right now so I’m curious to hear what others say! I recently told the name to a friend and she thought I was saying [name]Etta[/name]. Then I read on another forum that it was often misunderstood as [name]Ava[/name] or [name]Eva[/name], and got worried pronunciation might be a problem!
Same here. I’ve never heard it pronounced any other way.
[name]Ada[/name] - Ay-dah
[name]Adah[/name] - [name]Ah[/name]-dah
These are two different names. [name]Ada[/name] is [name]German[/name] and [name]Adah[/name] is Hebrew, this is to the best of my knowledge, others may disagree. I love [name]Ada[/name], it was my great-grandmother’s name.
@jennisu: It’s a name we’re considering, too. I worry that it may be misheard as [name]Ava[/name]…
[name]Ada[/name] has always been Ay-dah/Aid-ah to me. I’ve never heard it pronounced any other way.
I say AID-ah. If it were spelled [name]Adah[/name] (like the Biblical name), I would probably say [name]AH[/name]-dah (“ah” as in the “A” in “talk”) or a-dah (“a” as in the sound in “apple”).
I know, @lightsea! I thought it was a really straightforward, hard-to-confuse name until I started saying it out loud Still adore it though.
I pronounce it Ay- da.
Aid-ah. So completely elegant.