[name_f]Alyse[/name_f] is a family name, originally in honour of an [name_f]Alice[/name_f]. It’s on the list of possible middle names if one of the twins is a girl. I know how we pronounce it in our family but I am wondering how most people would pronounce it.
[name_m]How[/name_m] would you say [name_f]Alyse[/name_f]?
I would say al-[name_f]LEESE[/name_f], like [name_f]Elise[/name_f] but with a short A sound (as it “cat”). [name_f]Kinda[/name_f] sounds like I’m saying “at least” quickly. My next guess would be uh-[name_f]LEESE[/name_f], not [name_f]Alice[/name_f].