We’ve been considering the name Oia since how honeymoon in Greece many years ago. The Greek spelling will be difficult in the USA but we are considering it. I’m testing other spellings - how would you pronounce Eeia? Would it feel difficult, medium or easy to read and say? What about Ia? Or Iya?
I would assume either eye-uh or eye-EE-uh, but I have zero clue if either of those would be correct or not.
Ay- a
Oia - oya
Eeia- aya / ee-a
[name_f]Ia[/name_f] - eye-a (but I’d always wonder if it’s ia or LA)
[name_f]Aya[/name_f] - aya
Eia would be the closest non-confusing spelling for “eye-a” to me if that’s your desired pronunciation
If it’s eye-ah my preferred spelling is [name_f]Aya[/name_f] (I know at least 2 and it works great!)
I’d say EE-uh or EYE-uh, I think?
I’d say ee-uh if I saw this. In [name_f]English[/name_f] the double E is pretty much always pronounced like the long E sound.
To my mind:
I think Oia sound like Oy-a or O-E-ya
Eeia looks like it would be EE-Ya, E-Ay-A, or Ay-yah
Hmmm Iya I think is more straightforward as Eye-Uh. I think [name_f]Ia[/name_f] looks like [name_f]Io[/name_f] so you’re more inclined to say it the same way but I know most people think [name_f]Io[/name_f] sounds like [name_f]Ione[/name_f] and might think EE-Ya like EE-O-Nee instead of Eye-Oh or Eye-On-Nee
My exact thoughts. I said “eye-ee-uh” first, then wondered if perhaps it was actually “eye-uh”.
I would at first assume Ear because if the double E, then I’d think that can’t be right and think it must be Ay-a (but wouldn’t be confident). Is it I-ya?
I would say…
Oia: OY-uh
Eeia: I first read it as AY-uh, then I thought maybe EE-uh?
[name_f]Ia[/name_f]: EYE-uh, although I thought it said La originally
Iya: EYE-uh
Ay-uh would be my guess but I wouldn’t be surprised by Ee-i-uh or Eye-uh
[name_f]Ia[/name_f] I would pronounce Eye-uh
I would say it “ay-uh” because it reminds me of [name_f]Leia[/name_f].
Eeia - ee-ah
Ia - eye-ah
Iya - eye-ah
Depends on whether my pronunciations are correct? I’m fairly sure about Eeia, pretty sure about Ia, not really sure about Iya.
First glance I would say it like ee-uh? I’d definitely second guess the pronunciation though and probably be nervous to say it wrong.
“A-uh” would be my first instinct, but I wouldn’t be surprised to be corrected to something like “ee-uh”
I would instinctively say it either ay-uh or ee-uh
Replace the USA with Canada and you are me!! (Although I’m just a name nerd and not actively trying to name anyone currently and I can’t tell if that’s the case for you too.)
I agree, it’s a tough call. My current thought on this is that the spelling/pronunciation would be really tough in North America any way you slice it, so I’d just use Oia in the middle name spot and resign myself to people pronouncing it “OY-a” except when corrected and probably sometimes even then.
My brother’s name is Ian, EE-in, so I’m inclined to think that Ia would be the best/most graceful way to go here, but I know that would be tough to wear too.
Thanks everyone! It’s meant to be pronounced Ee-uh so it seems like most people would guess that as an option for the Eeia spelling. I definitely don’t want to use it as a middle - if we use it it will be Eeia [name_f]Elizabeth[/name_f]. So torn on if we will use it or give it up for something easier
If you love it I think you should absolutely go for it. Yes you might have to correct people now and then, but it’s a very easy correction I think! It’s such a pretty name!