How would you pronounce Ianthe?

Hello NBs, long time no see. We finally named our daughter, who is now three months old, [name]Ianthe[/name]. We pronounce it ee-an-thee, but everyone pronounces it differently. What is the right pronunciation for [name]Ianthe[/name]?

I would pronounce it ee-ahn-thee, but I don’t know the correct pronunciation. :confused:

Ee-an-thee is exactly how I would pronounce it too.
Very pretty name.
Either way, she is your daughter, so Ee-an-thee is the ‘right’ prn for your DD.

What mn did you put with [name]Ianthe[/name]? I am curious.


I pronounce it eye-anth-ee, but I’ve also seen ee-anth-ee.

When I first saw the name I thought eye-AN-thee, but then I thought about how the beginning is the same as [name]Ian[/name] and thought it might be the-AN-thee.