We’re thinking of using [name_f]Lucilla[/name_f] as a MN for one of our twin girls due in a few weeks. The thing is, I’ve only ever seen the name written down and I instinctively pronounce it like [name_f]Lucille[/name_f] with an A - Loo-SEAL-a. But I looked up the pronunciation just now and it seems that it’s more like Loo-SILL-a with a short i sound instead of a long ee sound. [name_m]How[/name_m] would you pronounce it? I have to say, Loo-SILL-a appeals to me a lot less that Loo-SEAL-a, but if that’s the correct way to pronounce it, I guess I’ll have to suck it up.
Thank you! I think I’ll come around, it’s just that [name_f]Lucille[/name_f] was my only frame of reference when I first started considering [name_f]Lucilla[/name_f] and I admit that finding out it’s not pronounced the way I thought threw me a little.
Crazy language huh. Yes [name_f]Lucille[/name_f] I read “Loo-seal” and [name_f]Lucilla[/name_f] was very clearly “Loo-sil-ah” to me.
Interesting, isn’t it? They’re so similar visually that I assumed they’d be pronounced with the same sound… That was a surprise lol
I would pronounce it loo-SILL-uh, like [name_f]Camilla[/name_f].
@Alix2016 Yeah, just like [name_u]Camille[/name_u] and [name_f]Camilla[/name_f].
You may possibly consider the name [name_f]Lucia[/name_f]. It has three possible pronounciations on nameberry. The first one Loo-[name_u]Sea[/name_u]-ah is what I defaulted to and matches what you were trying to get from [name_f]Lucilla[/name_f]
I’d say “lu-SILL-ah” too, I’m afraid. It’s the visual similarity to [name_f]Drusilla[/name_f] and [name_f]Priscilla[/name_f] that do it for me.
Lucila, on the other hand, I’d probably say “lu-SEAL-ah”. I don’t know if you’d consider changing the spelling?
Another point is that, since this is for a middle name, pronunciation might not be as important as you think. Generally speaking, her middle name will come up either in a written context, or when she herself is telling people her middle name, meaning that pronunciation either isn’t a factor, or will be clear from how she says it.
I read it as loo-SEE-yah, but I don’t think that’s right. I’d say loo-SILL-ah sounds more natural. Having said that, I don’t remember the last time I actually said my middle name so it’s not like it’ll be used every day.
I’m reading it as Loo-sill-uh.
I’ve known one [name_f]Lucilla[/name_f] who pronounced it loo-SILL-uh
My first two thoughts were loo-SILL-uh or loo-SEE-ya depending on where in the world you are. The -lla is often pronounced with a ‘yaa’ kind of sound. I honestly would not have thought to pronounce is loo-SEAL-la, but it wouldn’t take long for me to get used to that pronunciation when I was corrected. I agree with a previous poster that you might want to consider [name_f]Lucia[/name_f]. One of its pronunciations is very similar to what you’re looking for and it is a common pronunciation for it.
I would be inclined to pronounce it Loo-sill-uh. I love @katinka’s idea of spelling it [name_f]Lucila[/name_f]–if I saw that spelling, I’d naturally think of your preferred pronunciation. I also love @ChelsAnne22’s suggestion of [name_f]Lucia[/name_f]. A little bit of a different vibe, but a lot of the same sound you’re going for!
Loo-sill-uh would be my instinctive pronunciation but Loo-seal-uh feels legitimate too
I pronounce it loo-sill-a, but I don’t think it would be tough to correct people on it. It’s a beautiful name both ways!
I would say it loo-sill-a. Sorry! [name_f]Lucila[/name_f] could be loo-see-la to me (I agree, that pronunciation is pretty).
I pronounce it [name_u]Lou[/name_u]-seal-a.
I’d pronounce it Loo-SILL-uh, but if it’s a middle name I can’t imagine it would cause too much of an issue unless you plan to call her by it
I’ve always said loo-SILL-ah, but I’ve heard that loo-SEE-ah is also acceptable? loo-SEAL-ah I’m not familiar with, but I like loo-SILL-ah a lot.
Good luck!