How would you pronounce the name noel on a boy?

  • Nowl
  • No-elle
  • Other
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for me it would just be one syllable, though i think that is not because of my accent and just because of the great british baking show host :sweat_smile:


I think this is what you were going for with Nowl, but for me it’s like NOLE (rhyming with mole!!)


Nol - rhyming with foal, coal, roll, knoll, mole


Like [name_f]Noelle[/name_f]

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For me i love and use the pronunciation No-elle for both genders but i worry people default to nole which I don’t like.


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No-elle, but probably nowl if I knew he was [name_f]British[/name_f] since I’m quite sure that’s the commonly accepted pronunciation over there.


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[name_m]Nole[/name_m] (to rhyme with hole, bowl etc)

[name_m]Nole[/name_m] (rhyming with coal, bowl, sole etc).
It’s a pretty common name in [name_u]Ireland[/name_u] and the UK, especially for men who were born around the 1960s.

Instinctively “nowl” but I do know a male [name_u]Noel[/name_u] who pronounces it “no-elle” too!

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