[name_f]Velia[/name_f]…Is it VEE-lee-uh or VEL-ee-uh? Or something entirely different?
Vee-lee-uh, kind of like how I say [name_f]Delia[/name_f] and [name_f]Celia[/name_f].
Veel-yah or vee-lee-uh.
I’d say Vee-lee-uh.
I agree ^^ On first glance it looks like Vee-lee-uh, but either could work, and I really like it with the Vel-ee-uh. It is a really cute name!
I would say VEH-lee-a (almost like “VAY” but a little shorter)
I would pronounce it like [name_f]Delia[/name_f], but with a V sound. Veel-yah.
Thank you all for your input! I have never met nor heard of anyone named [name_f]Velia[/name_f] so it is helpful to know how most folks would pronounce it!