How would you pronounce this name?

The name is Addiena. It’s a Welsh name, but I want to get an idea of how non-Welsh people would read it as I don’t intend to raise my future children in [name_m]Wales[/name_m]. This isn’t me asking the best way to pronounce it, I know how to pronounce it but I want to know what a child with this name would be faced with in the real world.

I’m not familiar with this name (or Welsh names in general, except those that are popular in the rest of the UK). When reading it, I can think of two ways to pronounce it. Either add-ee-EN-a or just like [name_f]Adina[/name_f].

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I had the same thought. I could think of a couple other potential pronunciations too, but these are the two I’d lean toward having no familiarity with this name.

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I haven’t come across this name before. I read it as Adeena before reading it was a Welsh name. I’m Welsh so I know how I read it is not the correct Welsh pronunciation.

[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought was add-ee-EH-nah

My guess, as someone with no familiarity with Welsh names or pronunciation, would be [name_m]Ah[/name_m]-dee-en-ah

I would pronounce it same as some other posters, ah-dee-ehn-ah

My immediate reaction was ah-dee-en-uh, but I could also see uh-dee-nuh


I would say it add-ee-EN-uh.

Addy- EN-[name_m]Ah[/name_m]



ah - dee - EN - ah

Thanks for your replies. They were exactly what I expected, but I wasn’t really planning to use Addiena as a first name anyway. For anyone wondering, the ‘dd’ is pronounced the same as a long ‘th’ in [name_f]English[/name_f] (like at the start of them or this), so the correct pronunciation is ah-thee-EH-nah :slight_smile:

