My thought was Leyland opposed to Leeland?
Im in the uk and generally wondering about if its one of those names thats pronounced differently in USA vs UK?
My thought was Leyland opposed to Leeland?
Im in the uk and generally wondering about if its one of those names thats pronounced differently in USA vs UK?
Aussie here so not your target but I thought the difference was Lee-LAND (UK) and LEE-l’nd (USA)?
I’d say LEE-land (land rhymes with land in England). I am from the UK, but I’m going off a very vague memory of hearing it like that before. I wouldn’t be surprised at hearing Lay-land either tbh.
I’m in the UK, and I’ve always said it as Lee-land (the only one I’ve encountered in real life pronounced it as such). However, I did hear an Australian YTuber mention a [name_m]Leland[/name_m] said lay-land - so I think both are legitimate?
A TV show in Australia was made by two brothers.Their surname was pronounced Layland. Sorry I cannot remember the spelling. It might have been spelt [name_m]Leyland[/name_m], but definitely pronounced Layland.
In the US I’d say Lee-land
US here. Likely Lee-lund is actually what it comes out sounding like.
Thankyou everyone, i heard it in the [name_f]Disney[/name_f] film Cars 2 and im sure they said [name_m]Leyland[/name_m] but the subtitles came up [name_m]Leland[/name_m] so it threw me i think the consensus is if [name_m]Leyland[/name_m] is wanted then best to spell it [name_m]Leyland[/name_m] not [name_m]Leland[/name_m]
I would say LEE-land, which in my US accent would come out closer to LEE-lind.
I’m not actually totally sure what you mean by [name_m]Leyland[/name_m] vs. [name_m]Leland[/name_m] - I would pronounce these the exact same? Are you saying [name_m]Leyland[/name_m] as LAY-land?
LEE-lind. I’m in the US and I’ve only heard this pronunciation.
i’m in the uk also, and would say LEE-l(a)nd, though i could totally see LAY-l(a)nd too, and i did hesitate when i saw you ask. i’ve never met one, and im honestly not sure i’ve ever heard it said aloud before.