How would you pronounce this name?


Its a family surname and Im kind of in love with it, and I keep putting it on and off my list (for years now) because nobody else seems to like it! And not that it matters too much if other like it, but I also dont want others to dislike it if that makes sense

I like that it is similar to more popular names like Adeline & Anne (though I also realize that could be a draw back as it would probably be confused with Adeline)

But what really sells me on this name is its similarity in pronunciation to Dandelion, ann-duh-line (in my accent at least) so I could use Dandelion without that being her name (not that Dandelion is bad but its just a little too cutesy for me)

However I would like to know what most peoples instinctive pronunciation would be. And just general first impression of the name would be.


[name_f]My[/name_f] first impression was ANN-duh-leen!!

She’s pretty cute and I could see her being used as a name! She reminds me of the Andes Mountains, and also (like you said) the name [name_f]Adeline[/name_f]

I feel like pronouncing her Ann-duh-line makes her feel a little less name-y (?) although I think it would be fine if she were a real person (also, if it’s a last name totally this pronunciation would make sense!!)

I also love the closeness to [name_f]Dandelion[/name_f], so sweet!!

Overall, I like her, but I’d be prepared for people to confuse her with [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] or Madeline!!


I read Ann-duh-line! Like [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] with an n :slight_smile: so so cute!


I would say an-duh-line, like [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] with an N in the middle. [name_f]My[/name_f] first impression would be the parents were trying to get creative with [name_f]Adeline[/name_f], but a family surname makes sense too.

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I would pronounce it Anne-Dee-Line with the end being pronounced like the word [name_f]Line[/name_f]

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I’d say it as Ann-duh-line too and [name_f]Dandelion[/name_f] is a cute nickname!!

It feels like a playful mix of names, like an elaborated [name_f]Andrea[/name_f] or [name_f]Anne[/name_f], or a twist on [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] - reminds me of W’s name in that way

I like it!

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My instinctive pronunciation is “ann-deh-line” I always read line like the word line in names rather than leen or lin

I actually kinda like it :blush: so could see it growing on people. And Andie could be a cute nn too. But Dandelion is precious :two_hearts: love love love

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I like it and would have pronounced it like you.

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Hello. Midwest raised/East [name_m]Coast[/name_m] USA living.

I automatically say “An-deh-line.”

I like the name but my only fear is that a lot of people will gloss over the “n” and call her [name_f]Adeline[/name_f] anyway…

i would say anne-deh-leen

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Oh, what a cool family name! I would say anne-deh-leen. Most -ine names I say “een”, though; [name_f]Katharine[/name_f], [name_f]Adeline[/name_f], and [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] are the exceptions. -een mostly just sounds softer and more lilting to me. I think either pronunciation is interesting though, what a fun family name! Plus she’s full of super lovely nns - [name_f]Annie[/name_f], [name_f]Andie[/name_f], [name_f]Della[/name_f], [name_f]Lina[/name_f], [name_f]Dinah[/name_f], etc. What’s not to love?

Good luck!

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I would pronounce it the same way as you. I’m not sure about my first impression as I’ve seen you mention Andeline before and it has inevitably become a lot more familar over time.

That said, it reminds me of names like [name_f]Aveline[/name_f] that feel familiar because of their similarity to names in common use but are uncommon themselves. I don’t think I’d know whether it was an old name no longer in use, or a new name made from familiar parts.

It also reminds me of compound names like [name_f]Annabeth[/name_f] or [name_f]Adaluna[/name_f] that combine two names together. I’d encourage you to keep it on your list. It’s an interesting name on its own but especially as a family surname you can actually use as a first name.

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@Greyblue thats part of the reason I keep coming back to it. I think it stylewise matches with W’s name bytcit also shares a lot of the same sounds and rhythm as H’s. Its a nice blend between the 2.

@ashthedreamer I hadnt thought of Dinah! I love that!

@kachenka thank you. I think the fact that I keep comong back to it, and the fact its a family name, I think its earned a spot on my list.


ann-duh-line was my first, though i changed it to ann-duh-leen once when my brain registered it was a name <3

i like it loads, actually! it feels very adventurous— definitely mountains and buttercups-- a very yellow name which i adore :blossom: i like that it’s similar to adeline while also having a difference that’s enough to make you not read it as such: i think having the “n” at the beginning is really what stops you to see it as a different name while not being like “oh what version is this!”

i really love this!

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Anne-deh-line was my first thought but my immediate second thought was anne-deh-leen which is also lovely.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first guess would be Ann-duh-lyn, only because so many people I know use the “line” spelling but pronounce it “Lynn”.

[name_f]My[/name_f] second guess, and my preference, would be Ann-duh-lyn e, which I’m guessing is how you you’re pronouncing it.

I would guess the “leen” pronunciation last.


And - uh - line
Is how I pronounced it when I first looked at it and said oh andi that’s cute and then I repeated it and I thought it does sound close to dandelion.

But I think it’s super cute!
Similar to madeleine; Adeline; emmeline

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I automatically read it this way too (I was born and raised in the West Coast, USA) and I thought of it as an elaborate feminization of Andrew (similar to Earlene, Georgia, Louisa, Henrietta, etc.) Not sure if my intuitive pronunciation has to do with my Spanish/French language background though. When I found the name Isaline/Isoline I thought “leen” as well but lots of other people said “line.”

Could be a cute way to get to “Andie.”

I had never heard of it but liked it right away (unusual for me!) I like how it seems familiar yet distinct. It sounds to me like an older era, underused classic when pronounced the way I thought to say it. When pronounced “—line” I feel like it’d definitely be confused with Adeline (still pretty that way too though!)


[name_f]My[/name_f] first instinct was to pronounce it “ANN-da-leen”, but I guess “ANN-da-lynn” or “ANN-da-line” wouldn’t surprise me either.
Because the name is new and unfamiliar, you would have to correct pronunciation either way, so you could really use any pronunciation.

I think it would frequently be confused with [name_f]Adeline[/name_f]. You would have to decide if that is a dealbreaker for you.

I like the name. I think it’s pretty and elegant sounding. Lots of nickname options too - [name_f]Annie[/name_f], [name_f]Andie[/name_f], [name_m]Dell[/name_m], [name_f]Della[/name_f], [name_f]Lina[/name_f]. But you wouldn’t have to use a nickname either.

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