How would you spell this name?

My husband and I have finally decided on a name we like but have no idea how to spell it so that there will not be any guess-work as to the pronunciation. We also dont want it to seem to made up/ kre8tive so the phonetic spelling is out (eg Kahseeyah)

The name is KAH-see-yah. [name]How[/name] would YOU spell this?

Thanks in advance!!

[name]Cassia[/name] is the spelling that popped into my head.

Thanks! We thought this also but every site we see says that [name]Cassia[/name] should be pronounced [name]CASS[/name]-ee-uh or [name]CASH[/name]-uh. We dont want to set her up for having a name that is mispronounced. (I used to know a girl named [name]Jen[/name] but she pronounce it Jeen and dont want to subject anyone to that.)

[name]Kasia[/name]? Kahsia? Kahsya?

In my head, the only way you can make people say KAH rather than [name]CASS[/name] as the first syllable, you will have to spell it with an h, as in the drink Kahlua.

Kahssia would also work. Looks REALLY made up though.

I don’t know if I necessarily hear a difference between KAH-see-yah and [name]KASS[/name]-ee-yah. If you don’t hear the distinction, then I think pp’s suggestion of [name]Cassia[/name] (or maybe Cassiah?) would work.

maybe Cosia? similar to [name]Cosima[/name].

My sister’s name is [name]Cassia[/name] pronounced as you suggested. This is a precious spice in the Old Testament. The name [name]Cassia[/name] means pure. She is 22 and has never had trouble with people calling her Kaysha or anything else that I am aware of. She is also the only [name]Cassia[/name] I have ever met. It may have helped that we used [name]Cassie[/name] as a nickname so everyone knew that the a was short as in apple. [name]Hope[/name] this helps.