We’ll be naming our newest little addition [name_f]Willow[/name_f] (we still can’t come to an agreement on her middle name :rolleyes:), and we have our hearts set on a nickname but we’re a little unsure of how to spell it.
I feel like the first option makes the most sense, but my husband thinks that the second option looks more like a name. The only time I’ve seen this name it was spelled as the third option, but that was her full name and not short for anything.
Not really looking for opinions on the nn itself! [name_m]Just[/name_m] wondering what you guys think makes the most sense. Thanks!
Lowy, I think is a Jewish last name, so it might look familiar to a lot of people, though I’m not sure it’s pronounced the same. I prefer Lowy or even Lowie, have you thought of that one? It rhymes with [name_m]Bowie[/name_m], so might be a tad more straightforward.
We have thought of Lowie, but I was afraid the pronunciation might not be intuitive enough because of [name_m]Howie[/name_m]. Probably just overthinking that one though!
I would actually spell it Loey, like [name_u]Joey[/name_u] with an L- it looks the most namelike to me. Either way though, I wouldn’t stress too much about it- Lowy/Lowey/Loey sounds like a pet name you’d mostly use at home affectionately, in the same vein as cupcake or princess, rather than something she’d use at school/etc. once she’s older, so you’d mostly be saying it rather than writing it.