How would you spell...?

I am a teacher and there’s a student in my class named [name_f]Marely[/name_f] but she pronounces it like “mar-lee”, so that’s the only way I’ve ever looked at it. However, I had a substitute last week who apparently kept pronouncing her name like “mur-[name_f]EL[/name_f]-ee.” I can’t get this beautiful, accidental name out of my mind! I dislike the name [name_u]Marley[/name_u], personally. But I love the way “mur-[name_f]EL[/name_f]-ee” sounds. So, long story short this accidental name has made it to the top of my list, but I have no idea how I’d spell it. I wouldn’t spell it like [name_f]Marely[/name_f] because people might would always pronounce it “mar-lee”. [name_m]How[/name_m] would you spell “mur-[name_f]EL[/name_f]-ee”?

Well, I did think [name_f]Marely[/name_f] would be as you described, not [name_u]Marley[/name_u]. Looks more like a typo to me since I don’t think it’s intuitive at all.

Are you looking for something like the word merrily? Mareley could work.

Perhaps something like Murellie or Marellie

We have a family member named Merely and we all pronounce it “[name_f]Merrily[/name_f]” or closer to "
Mur-[name_m]Ly[/name_m]" like you said.

I think [name_f]Merrily[/name_f] would be cute or [name_f]Marely[/name_f] would be a slightly different pronunciation - all cute.

I’m pronouncing [name_f]Marely[/name_f] as mare-lee.

Morelly or Morelli?

I like the suggestion of Mareley! Maybe [name_f]Marilee[/name_f]?

I like the suggestion of Murellie!

[name_f]Merrily[/name_f] is the closest I can guess.

Murellie for sure!

I would spell it [name_f]Merrily[/name_f] or [name_f]Marilee[/name_f]. I actually went to school with two Marilees.

I’d have thought [name_f]Marely[/name_f] was pronounced like “merrily.”

If you want muh-REL-ee, though, I’d spell it Mirellie. There is also the surname Morelli which has a similar pronunciation.