How would your character introduce themselves (in group therapy)

I know most if not all my characters have been through some stuff and most definitely need some therapy so how would your character respond when asked to introduce themselves and to share some things about themselves?

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So I’m only going to use one of my characters for this. As she’d be the only one to answer when in a group therapy session. So I’m going to use [name_f]Sigrid[/name_f], my [name_f]Pirate[/name_f] [name_f]Queen[/name_f].

“Hi, I’m [name_f]Sigrid[/name_f]. Most call me [name_m]Tyr[/name_m]. I’m a [name_f]Pirate[/name_f], a good one. Not a bad or mean [name_f]Pirate[/name_f]. I normally sail out on the sea on my ship, [name_m]Lone[/name_m] [name_m]Wolf[/name_m]. I lost my dad a few years back and just recently lost my wife, [name_f]Hanne[/name_f]. But yeah that’s me.”

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