I like [name]Leo[/name] best. I’ve met a few toddlers named [name]Leo[/name] recently and it really is handsome on a little boy. I don’t know any Cadens, but its not a bad name. It fits with all the other -aden ending names that are so popular.
I like [name]Leo[/name] better than [name]Caden[/name]. [name]Leo[/name] is a handsome classic, [name]Caden[/name] feels more trendy to me with the popularity of [name]Aidan[/name] and his rhymes and is more likely to have spelling problems given the number of ariations I’ve seen ([name]Cayden[/name], [name]Kaden[/name], [name]Kayden[/name] etc)
I greatly prefer [name]Leo[/name] to [name]Caden[/name].
However, I could be reading you wrong but are the middle names both your family and your choice? If so I’d probably give greater weight to his preference.
Otherwise is the a compromise name that would be neither first choice but you both can live with?
[name]Leo[/name] is a classic name with history and depth. [name]Caden[/name] is a trendy brother of all of the sound-alikes ([name]Aidan[/name], [name]Jayden[/name], [name]Braden[/name] etc…). I think [name]Leo[/name] is a great name for all ages and it certainly ages well. I can’t imagine a mature man with the name [name]Caden[/name] (we do live most of our lives as adults).
Although my three year olds name is the much disliked name cayden- I think you should follow your hearts (as we did)
Would you two be open to additional fn ideas that may go with your Middle names?
Thanks so its mostly one sided towards [name]Leo[/name] and the comments you posted are pretty much just how I feel. I love [name]Leo[/name] although I know it’s only going to increase in popularity and [name]Caden[/name] has a nice sound to it and very cute but to trendy with the other similar sounding names. I think foe hubby the meaning came into play a lot which is “fighter”, (I lost 3 babies before this one!). So I understand his reasoning, any suggestions of first names that go with the mn would be appreciated
I like [name]Leo[/name] much better. To meet in the middle though: [name]Finnigan[/name] nn [name]Finn[/name], or just [name]Finn[/name]. Also [name]Theodore[/name] since its similar to [name]Leo[/name]?
Where I love [name]Kade[/name]. I dislike [name]Caden[/name]/[name]Kaden[/name] a lot, it just sounds really popular and trendy. I’m not a massive fan of [name]Leo[/name] but out of the two that would be what I’d pick. If it were [name]Leo[/name] and [name]Kade[/name]/[name]Cade[/name] I’d go wih the latter.
[name]Leo[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name] is gorgeous! If you’re looking for other suggestions/meet in the middle type things, you could try:
[name]August[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name]
[name]Miles[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name] ([name]Miles[/name] means “a soldier,” which sort of makes up for “fighter”)
[name]Nolan[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name] ([name]Nolan[/name] means “champion”)
[name]Owen[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name] (“young warrior; well-born”)
I prefer [name]Leo[/name] over [name]Caden[/name]. I just think of [name]Caden[/name] as a made up, trendy name. [name]Leo[/name] is timeless and so handsome!
I’m not sure popularity should be considered here. [name]Leo[/name] is becoming really popular lately, too, so either name is a trendy choice just following a different trend. I like your husband’s reasoning behind choosing the name [name]Caden[/name], so it gets my vote even though it’s not my fave. If you don’t like it, maybe search for another name you like better with a similar meaning? Someone above had some great suggestions.
Besides loving the sound and flow of [name]Leo[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name]
[name]Leo[/name] as in lion also is the king of the jungle - top of the bill for meaning your DH is looking for.
other strong meaning options:
[name]Neal[/name] = champion, I like the above suggested [name]Nolan[/name] too
[name]Everett[/name] = strong like a bear
[name]Farris[/name] = iron - strong
[name]Andrew[/name] = brave warrior
Or you could opt for the hidden meaning [name]Clark[/name] [name]William[/name] [name]John[/name] ([name]Clark[/name] as in Superman) - maybe not your style but I could not resist