This name has peaked my interest lately. I’m still not sure how I feel about it, though. I’m American; is it too… British? [name]Do[/name] you think it would be seen as pretentious if used in the States? I’m also not sure if I can picture it on a kid and teenager…?
What do you think of the name [name]Hugh[/name]?
[name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] - too much? (want to use [name]James[/name] or [name]Jameson[/name] as a middle name to honor family)
I’m also American, and I don’t think it sounds pretentious at all! I think it sounds lovely and soft, and I really like the [name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] combination, which I feel sort of toughens it up a bit; I don’t feel like [name]Hugh[/name] [name]James[/name] flows as well.
I know a grown man named [name]Hugh[/name], and he’s the kindest, gentlest grandpa. Such a sweet man. I think [name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] is a lovely combo. Are you prepared for the potential nickname Hughy? [name]Huey[/name]?
I really like [name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] too. The meaning of [name]Hugh[/name] is a great one. If you’re not sure about [name]Hugh[/name], how about [name]Hugo[/name]? Same meaning, same name, slightly more trendy feel. imo.
I like [name]Hugh[/name] very much myself, and [name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] is wonderfully handsome. My only problem with the name is the teasing I know would happen in my family (“I’m [name]Hugh[/name].” “You’re who?” “[name]Hugh[/name].” “You’re ME?” “No, I’m [name]Hugh[/name].” “That’s what I said!”) Whenever the name comes up in my house, I hear something along these lines in the conversation.
Last year I attended a political meeting held in a friend’s home, and one young father brought his toddler son Hugh along. The other people, mostly elderly, who asked his name all responded with what, it seemed to me, was genuine enthusiasm. “How nice to hear Hugh on a little guy! I never hear that name anymore.”
I’d be thrilled to meet a little guy named [name]Hugh[/name]. I don’t think it’s pretentious or too British. It’s very wearable. [name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] is handsome.
[name]Hugh[/name] [name]Jameson[/name] sounds great! But on its own, I’m not a big [name]Hugh[/name] fan. I’m more of a [name]Hugo[/name] girl myself. [name]Huey[/name] would be cute though!