Part 1:
It is the day. You board the hovercraft; you will be lifted to the arena where the Games will take place. Your teary prep team and gloomy escort, (ESCORT NAME), stand outside on the runway along with a pack of other prep teams and escorts. (DESIGNER’S NAME) and (MENTOR’S NAME) will be coming with you.
The hovercraft’s engines purr to life, and soon you are shooting across the sky. Th seats are in two rows, each along one side of the hovercraft. They face in, facing each other. ([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]'S NAME) sits two seats down from me, and (BOY FROM YOUR DISTRICT) sits across from you. He’s a blubbery, teary mess, all red faced. A few others are weeping like him; they’re the ones that know they have zero chance. You sit cool and still like ([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]) and most of the others.
Half an hour later you land at a small compound right outside the arena. You are filed inside by a giant pack of guards; hundreds of them everywhere, as to make sure you don’t escape. You go deep underground and are put in a room. You change into your outfit; tight fitting shorts and a t-shirt.
A few minutes later (DESIGNER) comes inside. They may have seemed cold, rude, and annoying when you first met them, but now (DESIGNER) has become kind, and you respect them heavily.
You share a quiet goodbye, and then you enter the tube. The tube will lead up to the arena.
The tube shoots up and soon you are standing on your platform. The other 23 tributes are on similar pedestals arranged in a perfect circle around the Cornucopia, a giant golden horn that holds all the weapons and supplies. Various backpacks dot the ground around the Cornucopia. You hear the timer slowly ticking down. Your eyes glance around at the surroundings. You see: (roll dice)
- A flat grassland that seems to go on forever
- A hilly plain with rivers crisscrossing all over it
- A forested area with a large mountain in the west part of the arena
- A hilly area with two giant lakes on either side of the arena
- A scorching desert with barely any plant or animal life
- A lush tropical forest with trees everywhere
Then the timer rings out its final note, and you burst forward.
You see ([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]) sprinting towards you. You two skirt the edge of the Cornucopia, each grabbing a pack. A boy shoots a bow at you two; you duck, and with horror in your eyes, you see the bolt slice into (BOY FROM YOUR DISTRICT)'s chest. He’d been following you, words of an alliance on his tongue.
You and ([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]) sprint away and find a place to rest. That place is…
If you rolled a 3 or a 6…in a tree
If you rolled a 1 or a 5…in a corpse of big thorn bushes
If you rolled a 2 or 4…in a hidden cave
That night you watch as the faces of the dead play across the sky. You see (BOY FROM YOUR DISTRICT)'s face up there, and you just want to cry. 10 tributes have been killed in the first day (the bloodbath) and 14 are now left.
([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]) takes first watch. When you wake up, to your horror, (BOY NAME), from District 9 (If District 9 is your District, make it District 5 unless that’s where your ally comes from; then make it boy from 3), stands over the dead body of ([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]), their blood on his blade. He’s creeping towards you. You found something in your pack, a weapon. Your hand closes around it as the murderer creeps towards you. What is your weapon? (roll dice)
1 or 2: dagger
3 or 4: awl
5 or 6: hand crossbow
You raise your weapon when the intruder is a step away and leap at him. He yells in anguish as you kill him.
When you step back, you’re breathing hard. ([name_f]ALLY[/name_f]) and (INTRUDING BOY) are both dead; it fully sinks in that your ally is dead and that you’ve just killed someone.
You gather your things and run from your hiding spot; sure enough, minutes after you leave, you see two people heading towards the place you were hiding; they heard the screams and are going to investigate. You know you should sneak up on them and do something, but you’re still too stunned from the deaths to care about your lack of action and strategy.
12 tributes left. You find a small little nook in the ground to hide in, and you sit there for four days until you eat through your food supply. Two people die during that time; you don’t care to look who.
On the sixth day since the beginning of the Games you sneak out of your hide hole and poach two fat lizards. You don’t think, and you light a fire to cook the lizards. It only occurs to you that everyone will see the smoke after you’ve been cooking the lizards for ten minutes. You swiftly run off with your pack, leaving the lizards to burn. You duck behind some rocks just as a person approaches your hiding spot. They look at the lizards, eat them, and then look around, holding their trident close to them.
“They can’t be too far,” he says.
What do you do? Choose.
A. Run away
B. Attack
C. Try to talk with him.
If you chose A. You run, and the tribute chases. They throw their trident at you. It slices a cut along your arm, but you have their weapon now. It’s their turn to run as you lob the trident at them. It hits them square in the back, killing them. Then you sprint away from his body, taking the trident with you.
If you chose B. You take the tribute by surprise, and you kill him swiftly. You grab his trident. Then you dash away as quick as you can. Along the way you hit a sharp rock, which cuts a gash in your arm.
If you chose C. The tribute attacks the second you pop up; you never even get the chance to speak. They rush forward and try to stab you; they cut a big cut on your arm, and then you kick them in the chest. They topple backwards, where they bang their head hard on a sharp rock. The rock slices through their neck, killing them. You take his trident from his stiff hands. Then you run away.
That leaves 9 people left; you ignore that fact as you keep running. You keep running until you stumble into a clearing where a giant boy sits. You know him; the boy from District (CHOOSE DISTRICT; NOT DISTRICT INTRUDER WHO KILLED YOUR [name_f]ALLY[/name_f] WAS FROM AND NOT YOUR DISTRICT.)
He stands, fire in his eyes, as he cracks his knuckles and jumps at you.