Husband is stuck on Sophia... help!

Compromise? [name]Clara[/name] [name]Madeline[/name] is gorgeous!

[name]Sophia[/name] is amazing, too bas it is so popular too :frowning:

Funny you guys suggested [name]Sophia[/name] as a middle name: it is, by far, the most popular MN in my country, people use it with every single name. It flows so well with everything…

I think [name]Sophia[/name] is super gorgeous, despite it’s popularity. It’s popularity is well deserved, it is a beautiful name.

Names that are kind of similar to [name]Sophia[/name] but not really ha…
[name]Seraphina[/name], [name]Sonya[/name]/[name]Sonja[/name], [name]Claudia[/name], [name]Serena[/name], [name]Celia[/name], [name]Samara[/name].

Best Wishes x

If we thought this way about all initial combinations, no child would ever be named. My initials are SM and nobody has ever mentioned S&M to me! There are some initial combinations you should definitely avoid (ie. ASS), but I don’t think we should be too precious!

Thanks for the suggestions! For some reason, I keep dreaming that her name is [name]Anna[/name]. But I still love [name]Clara[/name] and [name]Rosemary[/name]! I love some of the others suggested, like [name]Paloma[/name], [name]Cecilia[/name], [name]Philippa[/name] (someone needs to make [name]Pippa[/name] happen in the US), and [name]Willa[/name], but I don’t think DH will go for them.

Our other constraint: we both have names with unusual spellings (I’m one of the first [name]Jordynn[/name]'s, probably, from the 70s), and we both want something that is common enough for people to know how to spell. I just don’t want something TOO common. And I keep pointing out to DH that [name]Sophia[/name] doesn’t solve the spelling problem, since [name]Sofia[/name] is also common.

I love [name]Anna[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] for you! :slight_smile: