I’m so used to calling her [name]Scarlett[/name] (6 months pregnant) and my husband told me the other day he is liking the name [name]Isla[/name] a lot and wants to switch. [name]Isla[/name] is pronounced (eye-la).
What do you think of this name? [name]Do[/name] you like [name]Scarlett[/name] better? I’m having trouble wrapping my head around [name]Isla[/name]. I’m not worried about people mispronouncing her name, I just don’t know if it sounds elegant or pretty or even sounds like a full name.
[name]Do[/name] you think this name is going to be in the top ten names? Our older daughter is [name]Stella[/name].
Personally, I feel as though [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Isla[/name] share too many sounds. [name]Isla[/name] is pretty popular in the US, but remember that [name]Scarlett[/name] is far more so right now, it’s at #80 in the US (and higher in the UK). [name]Isla[/name] is incredibly popular in the UK.
I think [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name] sound better together than [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Isla[/name]. Hopefully you can convince your husband to keep [name]Scarlett[/name]!
[name]Isla[/name] is very pretty and I like it much better than [name]Scarlett[/name] personally. But, [name]Isla[/name] and [name]Stella[/name] sound so similar, like the previous poster said. I feel [name]Scarlett[/name] would be a better fit. If you decide you both love it though, I think you should use it.
[name]Isla[/name] [name]Scarlett[/name] is gorgeous. That way you could keep calling her [name]Scarlett[/name]. Like how [name]Jake[/name] [name]Owen[/name] is calling his daughter [name]Olive[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], [name]Pearl[/name].
[name]Stella[/name] & [name]Isla[/name] both end in -la, while [name]Stella[/name] & [name]Scarlett[/name] start with the same letter. Either way the names will be a bit matchy. Personally, I’d prefer that my kids’ names not start with the same letter because I don’t want to corner myself into a theme
I prefer [name]Scarlett[/name] with [name]Stella[/name]. Siblings sharing the same first initial doesn’t bother me. If you have a third child, you don’t have to use another “S” name. Matching ends do bother me, which is why I’m not such a fan of [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Isla[/name].
While I like [name]Isla[/name] and [name]Scarlett[/name], the problems with them with [name]Stella[/name] have been pointed out above. Some other possibiliies are:
[name]Both[/name] are beautiful names! I know that [name]Scarlett[/name] is technically higher in the name rankings, but personally, I know two baby Islas and one more friend thinking about using it. It’s definitely been discovered by parents here in the Midwest, but since both are relatively popular, I wouldn’t let that influence your choice. Like was said above, [name]Stella[/name] and [name]Isla[/name] are a bit matchy, so I’d go with [name]Scarlett[/name]!
Honestly, I really hate [name]Scarlett[/name]. The name always makes me think of [name]Scarlett[/name] letter and just has such bad meaning to me…I dunno, just not a fan at all. I think [name]Isla[/name] is such a beautiful, soft, delicate name. I think it is a million times nicer than [name]Scarlett[/name]. Also think it goes nicely with [name]Stella[/name] since they both end in the a sound but not too matchy.
[name]Scarlett[/name] is the better choice. Stomps foot It’s going to get really old really fast to have two names in the same house with identical endings. I’m surprised your husband doesn’t hear the similarities! Poor [name]Stella[/name] will think you’re calling for [name]Isla[/name] and vice versa.
I’m beginning to be really fond of [name_f]Isla[/name_f], but I’m not keen on how it sounds with [name_m]LeMar[/name_m]. [name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_m]LeMar[/name_m] doesn’t flow very well, but then neither did [name_f]Scarlett[/name_f]!