How could you spell a last name that has the pronunciation of “bos-nee-ack”?
Bosniak would be my first guess.
Bosniac or Bozniac would be my first thought. Bosniak or Bozniak also work.
Bosniak would be first guess
Bosniak (like the nationality of someone from Bosnia)
I’d assume it’s spelt Bosniak
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I know someone with this surname!
they spell it like...
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In the US, my instinct would either be Bosniak or Bosniac, as aforementioned. Unsure about other places.
To me, Bozniac would be more like “Boze-ni-ac” it would make a “z” sound and not an “s” sound.
Bosniak, but Bosniac wouldn’t surprise me!
first instinct was bosniak! wouldn’t be surprised at bozniak, bosniac, or bozniac