I cant decide. Please give me your opinions.

We are having our first baby, a girl, in three weeks and cant decide on a name. [name]Both[/name] my husband and I love the following names:


I would love you hear your thoughts.

I like [name]Alexis[/name] the best.

Good luck

I like [name]Asha[/name] and [name]Viva[/name] the best. I love anything with a V, so I may be bias.


[name]Jada[/name] (biased. Although I love my name, so maybe that gives it bonus points) or [name]Viva[/name].
[name]Alexis[/name] is to common for me, [name]Asha[/name] sounds incomplete, and [name]Jersey[/name] is to masculine (also it means shirt, I’m not one for meanings but when it is a word I kind of feel like that should hold some importance).

Another vote for [name]Jada[/name]!
I think it’s beautiful.

One more for [name]Jada[/name]. =) I think this name is gorgeous even after the “[name]Jay[/name]” sound has become so unfavorable since the dawning of the Jaydens. [name]Jada[/name] is definitely a keeper. I love the way it looks and sounds!!! It is short and sweet and absolutely lovely! Who needs [name]Jayden[/name] when you can have [name]Jada[/name]??

[name]Asha[/name] - I like the idea of this name and the way it looks on paper, but I don’t really like saying it and I think it sounds kind of awkward. I think because of this, [name]Asha[/name] would inevitably be shortened to [name]Ash[/name] and she would be consequently be mixed in with all the Ashleys, Ashleighs and Ashers – not a good place to end up!

[name]Alexis[/name] is very 80’s - 90’s to me and not really a favorite. [name]Lex[/name] or [name]Lexi[/name] is cute, though. =)

[name]Viva[/name] - I like the nickname [name]Vi[/name] or [name]Vivi[/name] but I don’t like the way [name]Viva[/name] sounds. Plus I can just hear [name]Viva[/name] Las [name]Vegas[/name] in my head… ugh.

[name]Jersey[/name] has some appeal, but after [name]Jersey[/name] Shore I really don’t think you should choose this name!!

Good luck!! =)

[name]Jada[/name] – [name]LOVE[/name] this! My favorite on your list for sure
[name]Asha[/name] – I like it, but it sounds incomplete to me
[name]Alexis[/name] – dated. Not my style, either.
[name]Viva[/name] – I like this a lot. Fun and spunky but quite pretty at the same time.
[name]Jersey[/name] – NMS at all

Wow, thank you all for your opinions. It is quite unanimous, and that was our favourite too.

I am very grateful for you all taking the time to respond to me.

Thanks again.