I just heard of a baby girl named


Yup. I was shocked too. I have no idea how to pronounce it.

It was in our local birth announcements, and I don’t remember a middle name.

I just want to hear your reactions to it. It should be funny!

And, how do you think it would be pronounced. I’m leaning toward [name]Bay[/name]-lynn.

I would agree with you on prononciation. It’s like they took the name [name]Bailey[/name] and just softened it with lynn.

I’m not sure what category this name would fall under, “yoo-neek” spelling? etc. because I don’t think it’s even a real name…hmmmm

I personally can’t stand when parents find a name and add -lynn to the end where it clearly doesn’t belong, it’s a shame really :confused: the name’s not horrible or anything but i’m positive they could’ve found a MUCH better name if they visited Namberry lol…or at least a more attractive way to spell it…

I am guessing it’s [name]BAY[/name]-lin. Bailyn would’ve been a little better spelling wise.

I don’t know… pronounced Bah-linn I think it has quite a nice sound to it. Like a feminine form of [name]Balin[/name].

Maybe b[name]AL[/name]-in (rhymes with [name]Allan[/name]) or BUH-lin (almost like Boleyn). If it’s [name]BAY[/name]-lin then her parents really failed with that spelling. It should’ve been Baylen/Bailyn/Baelyn

I like [name]Belen[/name]. It sounds a bit like Balyn in some accents I’ve heard. http://www.forvo.com/word/bel%C3%A9n/

[name]Baila[/name] is a family name, I’m always looking for options that aren’t [name]Bailey[/name].

Balyn is a bit strange to me. Beilyn would be much better hm?

Edited for privacy.

I see “Ball-in”. She may get very confused at many sporting events…

I think it’s probably pronounced ‘[name]Bay[/name]-[name]Lynn[/name]’ since that sounds a little more girly than some of the other ways.

I actually don’t think it’s such a terrible name to be honest. I’ve heard and seen way worse both pronunciation and spelling wise!!!

I would guess it pronounced like [name]Belen[/name]. I do think the name is pretty, and do know a person with the name, but I prefer the [name]Belen[/name] spelling. (Unless it’s not pronounced the same, then I consider it made up and am not a fan of it!)