So I decided to make a name blog. It’s called [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] names and I’ve decided I’m going to do a themed post every week as well as a top 5 boys and girls names of the week post. I would really like it if you checked it out.
Best of luck with your blog! ^^ I follow so many, but there’s never enough content to satisfy me, always happy to read more!
I visited and loved the look you’ve chosen, but wanted to ask if maybe you’d consider a smaller font? I have a small-ish laptop, and I felt the need to resize the text to be able to see both the picture and the corresponding text without scrolling. There’s not that much text, and the pictures aren’t very large, so it feels strange not to be able to fit both into the frame of my browser?
What themes are you thinking of for the weekly post?
Oh okay sure I can do that. I was thinking about doing an A themed list for this week. I will probably do like time eras , food names , puritanical names etc.
Awesome! I love the quirkier themes ^^
(also, not related, I wanted to mention I love your use of [name_f]Ivy[/name_f] with [name_u]Ellington[/name_u]! From the pattern of your siggy, am I right in assuming it’s a combo for a boy?)