I need futuristic, catchy names

I’m writing a novel about a girl who wakes up from a coma, and the world is in an insane drought. There is also a boy who is an orphan, living on the streets and taking anybody who comes by’s money. One day the girl gets held at gunpoint for her money by him, and you’ll have to see what happens I guess. [And no, I have figured it out.] These are the names I have so far.
[name]Gavin[/name] [The Orphan]
[name]Arden[/name] [[name]Sister[/name] of Coma Girl]
[name]Dixie[/name] [[name]Sister[/name] of Coma Girl]
[name]Callum[/name] [[name]Sister[/name] of Coma Girl]

The really sad thing is, I haven’t found a name for the Coma Girl [Yes, I am calling her Coma Girl] I tried [name]Leona[/name], but it didn’t seem to fit too well…


I can’t really think of any others that go with the names you’ve chosen at the moment, but I hope I’m going in the right direction.

I’d say [name]Taylor[/name], [name]Ryan[/name], or [name]Miranda[/name]. I don’t know why but these just typed themselves it seemed!!! [name]Hope[/name] this helped!!

[name]Do[/name] you like [name]Leonie[/name] better than [name]Leona[/name]?

Other suggestions:
[name]Eleri[/name] / [name]Eleni[/name]

Dude, thanks!!! I like [name]Saffron[/name] a whole lot. [name]Hester[/name] is unique but I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Pandora[/name].