I need honest opinions!

Okay, so to make a long story short, I’m changing my last name. The reason for this is somewhat personal. Anyways I’m going from a three-syllable lasr name that starts with M to a one syllable last name that begins with N, and rhymes with mett. Lol. All that aside, my first and mn are [name_f]Alexandria[/name_f] [name_u]Taylor[/name_u]. That doesnt really sound good with “mett.” So I was thinking I should change my mn to something shorter that would flow better with such a short last name and such a long fn.
I need ideas. I think I want to use a family name, and not just throw something random in there. But wih [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] having been my mn for 19 years now (yesterday was my 19th bday haha) I dont know if I just want to throw it away. [name_f]My[/name_f] parents are totally fine with whatever.
I either want to use [name_u]Lee[/name_u] which is my mothers middle name, or [name_f]Liana[/name_f] which is after my late great grandfather. I’m just not sure if I should keep or toss taylor, or if there is something better I should use.

Other family names include:

I’m not really a fan of those though. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks in advance!

I would just keep Taylor as it is because I don’t think it sounds that bad with your new surname. If you really want to change it, I would avoid a one-syllable mn, names ending in another “a” like [name_f]Alexandria[/name_f] as well as word names because they would sound abrupt, too heavy on the a’s or just plain odd with your new surname of N-tt. [name_f]My[/name_f] combo suggestion: [name_f]Alexandria[/name_f] [name_f]Louise[/name_f] N-tt (5-2-1 syllable count). [name_f]Hope[/name_f] this helped! Good luck!

I would keep your name as is, one day you may choose to get married and take a different last name anyways. Also when/if that happens you can change your middle name at that time as well.

I think it’s important to keep the names we’re given. They are a big part of who we are. [name_m]How[/name_m] often would you use your middle name anyway? Besides, I think [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] is lovely. I feel like if you change it, it would be taking something fundamental away from you. You are wonderful as you are.

I personally would never consider changing my name. A name is special, one of the first gifts bestowed on you from your parents. Changing names does not change the past, it does not change who you are. I can only speak hypothetically (our son has never brought up the subject) but I am pretty sure we would be hurt if he decided he wanted to change his name. We might act okay with it for his benefit but not really be okay with it.

I would keep your name. It sounds great.

Thanks you guys. I was thinking about it this morning (before I had even checked all these replies) and decided thatiI’m just going to keep my middle name as is. If my daughter wanted to change her name,i know I’d be kind of crushed the name I gave her wasn’t good enough. And it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t flow too well. Its my name And I like it as is. Thanks for all your opinions! Y’all are great!!

[name_f]Alexandria[/name_f] [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] is a gorgeous name. I wouldn’t change it!!! As for your last name, unless it’s something unfortunate like "Ass"etc, I would leave it too…all the best, :slight_smile: