I Object!

[name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] are awesome, right? But everyone has their own opinions, especially when it comes to names. What are some of their name judgements that you disagree with? What names do you think have been unfairly slammed? Or, when do you completely agree with them?

Well, I agree with [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] when it comes to what I’ve read about my favorite names ([name]Annabelle[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Louisa[/name], [name]Cora[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Emmeline[/name], [name]Juliet[/name], [name]Beatrix[/name], etc.), and I usually agree with what they say about names I hate, too. (I find myself laughing at their funny comments.)

That said, I do love [name]Anne[/name] a lot, and still hope that it has a future in the world of fashionable names. I think it says [name]Anne[/name] doesn’t show signs of returning, but I still love its simplicity and elegance. (I love [name]Annie[/name] as a nickname, too…)

I disagree about using geezer names for girls.
Years ago when I read [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name]'s books, I sensed that one of them really didn’t like the name [name]Peter[/name]. But nowadays they both seem to have come around to it.
I don’t get a lot of the out there word names, but I have to admit that sometimes they fascinate me.
I totally agree with them that meganames are getting out of control.
[name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] are both very funny and so entertaining that even when I disagree with them, I enjoy reading their opinions about names. Their writing is also very clever.
[name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] provide a needed service. When you’re a first time parent, you just don’t know what names are in style. You could pick a top ten name, thinking it’s really original, and then you could be so disappointed when there are tons of kids out there with your child’s name.

Well, pretty funny to come on here and find this forum. But I’m actually really curious to hear what people think. Maybe ultimately someone will create a user list: Names I [name]Love[/name] That Nameberry Doesn’t.

The only statement on the entry for [name]Yvonne[/name] is “Conjures up visions of green eye shadow and leopard-printed polyester.” Now, I’m going to be a bit snarky here and declare that, sorry, I’m in my late twenties and I’m still too young to have that association. Also, green eyeshadow has been back for at least ten years. It’s time to bring [name]Yvonne[/name] back, too, especially when people are poaching [name]Evan[/name] as a name for girls. Also, [name]Joyce[/name] makes the list of “Names No Girl [name]May[/name] be Cool Enough For,” but these ladies recommend naming your daughter [name]Murray[/name]. Seriously, guys? [name]Murray[/name] before [name]Joyce[/name]? Not a chance in hell. [name]Joyce[/name] has a great meaning, great literary association, is an established name for girls, and there are plenty of namesake possibilities. I don’t claim that [name]Joyce[/name] is a stylish name at the moment but it’s certainly a stronger choice than any of the geezer names, and it might be just what the world needs after the umpteenth [name]Isabella[/name] in a few more years, even speaking as someone who loves ultra-feminine names. steps down from soapbox

One time years ago, I went to a garage sale at [name]Yvonne[/name] de [name]Carlo[/name]'s house. She was Mrs. Munster in case you didn’t know. I bought her beaded gloves and a pair of bluish-green eyeglasses. She was really cool. [name]Yvonne[/name] is a cool name! Perhaps it’s time will come soon. I also love [name]Claudine[/name] and [name]Francine[/name]. It’s great to choose a name that is even more hip than hipster. [name]Vincent[/name] is a great one for boys. And [name]Maurice[/name] and [name]Bernard[/name].

I know an [name]Yvonne[/name] and people call her Why-vonne. I don’t know why they do that. Anyway, I don’t like the name [name]Yvonne[/name], but I don’t like the geezer names for girls, either.

Yeah, I used to watch Munsters reruns–[name]Yvonne[/name] de [name]Carlo[/name] is cool! I like [name]Vincent[/name], too.

I like the name [name]Nanette[/name]. Not passionately, but I do like it.

You have to take their opinions with a grain of salt. It’s like having a best friend.

I like the name [name]Susan[/name] (more than any of its variations), although [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name] give an unfavorable entry for this name. [name]Nancy[/name] is another baby-boomerish name that is one of my guilty pleasures, but that one has a better entry.

I also like some of the unisex names that the authors have “given up” on for boys, such as [name]Shannon[/name] and [name]Kelly[/name] (my own name).

In a similar vein as [name]Yvonne[/name], I’m actually fond of [name]Yvette[/name]. Ok, I probably wouldn’t use it myself, but I think it’s adorable.

I love [name]Wilfred[/name], I think it’s super cute! The text to this name reads it’s gone and best forgotten but I think it’s a really charming name. Nicknames could both be [name]Will[/name] or [name]Fred[/name]/[name]Freddie[/name]

One time years ago, I went to a garage sale at [name]Yvonne[/name] de [name]Carlo[/name]'s house. She was Mrs. Munster in case you didn’t know. I bought her beaded gloves and a pair of bluish-green eyeglasses. She was really cool. [name]Yvonne[/name] is a cool name! Perhaps it’s time will come soon. I also love [name]Claudine[/name] and [name]Francine[/name]. It’s great to choose a name that is even more hip than hipster. [name]Vincent[/name] is a great one for boys. And [name]Maurice[/name] and [name]Bernard[/name].[/quote]

Great point, [name]Susan[/name]. I’ve been planning a blog post on the hipster blogger Dooce choosing [name]Marlo[/name] for her daughter – reaching for a hip name that’s beyond hipster – and I may quote you on this!

You’re almost persuading me…

One time years ago, I went to a garage sale at [name]Yvonne[/name] de [name]Carlo[/name]'s house. She was Mrs. Munster in case you didn’t know. I bought her beaded gloves and a pair of bluish-green eyeglasses. She was really cool. [name]Yvonne[/name] is a cool name! Perhaps it’s time will come soon. I also love [name]Claudine[/name] and [name]Francine[/name]. It’s great to choose a name that is even more hip than hipster. [name]Vincent[/name] is a great one for boys. And [name]Maurice[/name] and [name]Bernard[/name].[/quote]

Great point, [name]Susan[/name]. I’ve been planning a blog post on the hipster blogger Dooce choosing [name]Marlo[/name] for her daughter – reaching for a hip name that’s beyond hipster – and I may quote you on this![/quote]

Beyond Hipster Names:

  1. Named that end in “nd”, “rd”, and any other consonant plus “d”. Some, like [name]Leopold[/name] have already hit the hipster list.
  2. Girls’ names that end in “ette” or “ine” e.g. [name]Francine[/name], [name]Georgette[/name].
  3. Magician names such as [name]Maurice[/name] and [name]Zoltan[/name].
  4. [name]Yvonne[/name] and [name]Yvette[/name].
  5. Lab assistant names such as [name]Egon[/name].
  6. Thug names such as [name]Vito[/name] and [name]Hector[/name].
    What do you think? So fun, huh?

I think they favor “classical” names too much.

They also judge “trendy” names too harshly, seeming to veto them because of their popularity rather than mentioning any good qualities they might have. Same thing with names that seem to have gone out of style but are too recent to be ready for a comeback. Such as, actually, [name]Linda[/name].

Also, I was quite disappointed by their poor review of [name]Sylvia[/name], one of my favorite names.

I didn’t mean to sound disrespectful of [name]Pam[/name] and [name]Linda[/name], and I absolutely agree that their writing is clever and funny. I just thought it would be interesting to hear people’s opinions on names that they love. It just shows you how people have different tastes in names!

Also, susan: love the more-hip-than-hipster idea! Actually, a lot of those names are favorites of mine!

This is a great thread. I love [name]Pam[/name] & [name]Linda[/name] but of course, each of us has our own opinions.

Personally I find that I’m much more selective (read: picky, anal, obsessive) than they are. Especially when it comes to occupational names ([name]Tanner[/name], [name]Baker[/name], [name]Miller[/name], etc) and girls having boy names ([name]Taylor[/name], [name]Morgan[/name], et al). My impression is that they approve.

I realize this endangers my sanity, since every other kid I meet is a girl [name]Mason[/name] or a boy [name]Fletcher[/name]. I will have to try to adapt my brain. lol

I don’t understand the utter hatred of [name]Elmer[/name]. It seems to be always brought up as an absolute awful name. My Grandfather’s name is [name]Elmer[/name] and so is DH’s great Grandfather. I even know a 20 something [name]Elmer[/name] who works as a cashier. I get the [name]Elmer[/name] Fudd and [name]Elmer[/name]'s Glue problem, but is it really that bad? I think it has a nice sound to it and it begins with [name]El[/name] which seems to be a very popular sylable lately.