I saw this name in a blog

And I’m really smitten by it. Laureline. I’ve never heard it before but, something about it caught my eye and now everytime I say it I fall even more in love with it. I do want to be sure that I am pronouncing it right, so, how would you pronounce it?

[name]Do[/name] you like the combination Laureline [name]Dacy[/name] or Laureline [name]Jean[/name] better, or at all?

[name]Dacy[/name] (day-see) and [name]Jean[/name] are both family names.

Also, I went to the “check out a name” box and type in Laureline and it was not found.

[name]Lovely[/name] name. I would say it lo-ruh-LEEN and think it’s nicest with [name]Jean[/name].

I don’t mind how it sounds, but it does border on seeming to be a “made-up” name. I do not like [name]Jean[/name] as a middle name. I like [name]Dacy[/name] better.

Would you pronounce it
Laur -a - line (like [name]Caroline[/name]) or
Laur -a- lean

Looks like someone submitted it to behindthename.com:

I like it alright, though I’m not sure whether it’s made up. If you like the long “i” sound, there’s also [name]Lorelei[/name], which is more recognizable (to me anyway).

It was actually listed in today’s nameberry blog entry:


which seems to have been referenced from a/the? French livre de prenoms. The name Laureline on the list is not linked within this site as a legitimate entry and is not listed as an international variant of [name]Laura[/name] or [name]Laurel[/name], however. It’s just my opinion but I think [name]Laurel[/name] is a good enough name that doesn’t need to be longer, but the name Laureline seems to be legitimate French alt. I prefer just [name]Laurel[/name] or [name]Lorelei[/name]. Laureline is gilding the lily, or actually the laurel.

It reminds me of my sister named [name]Lauren[/name] whom my grandmother addressed birthday cards to [name]Laureen[/name] for several years after she was born. I also think Laureline can start to sound like [name]Lurline[/name]. [name]Just[/name] an advance warning, if you want to call it that. I also once knew a Laurain. I know my sister when she didn’t think her name was fanciful enough wished her name was actually [name]Lorraine[/name] spelled like Laurain, because that girl was so cool. At least when we were young, it was just an old lady name, but now [name]Lorraine[/name] might be cool again, who knows.

[name]How[/name] about as a middle name?

I know I like [name]Laura[/name] and [name]Laurel[/name], so I do think that Laureline has charm. [name]How[/name] are you pronouncing it? If it’s [name]Laurel[/name]-een, I’d avoid [name]Jean[/name] (Lauel-een [name]Jean[/name] rhymes). I’d personally go with [name]Dacy[/name] in the middle with Laureline.

In the middle? I can see Laureline as a middle name! (I’m pronouncing it -line, not leen)

[name]Audrey[/name] Laureline
[name]Daphne[/name] Laureline
[name]Esme[/name] Laureline
[name]Margaret[/name] Laureline
[name]Phoebe[/name] Laureline
[name]Ruby[/name] Laureline

Best wishes! :slight_smile:

Thank you [name]Jill[/name]. I also pronounce -line not -leen