I think it's going to be a boy

Without fail, with every pregnancy I’ve always had a dream or two (and before the sonogram so it’s not like I had anything to go on) where it’s very clear which gender the baby is. Now these dreams can be as weird as they come, the one I was in the hospital and had been unconscious for the delivery and they named my baby for me. They named him [name]George[/name], only it was horrifically misspelled. So I knew I was having a boy. And I have yet to have this dream method go wrong for me. It’s 4 for 4.

So yesterday I had a dream that I had a miscarriage, and discovered it was a boy. Actually it looked more like a blue plastic toy than anything but the point was simply boy. Although I admit, it freaked me out for a bit.

[name]Do[/name] any of you have any weird things like this happen to you?

I know we’ve had some odd people around, and even though I’ve been here awhile, a post like this could make me seem like I was trolling, but I swear to God that this does really happen to me.

Pregnancy is famous for inducing very vivid, somewhat surreal dreams.

I wouldn’t necessarily say that a dream about a miscarriage, for example, means you’ll have one-- there is SO much anxiety in a pregnancy (particularly before the anatomy scan, when you really don’t know if everything is developing normally or not) that it’s natural for it to manifest in dream form.

Personally- I’ve only been pregnant once, with a son. I had an ‘intuition’ it was a boy based on all the old wives’ tales (lack of morning sickness, “carried high,” and so forth), and that turned out to be correct, but I don’t put much stock in it. I mean, it’s 50-50, right? :slight_smile:

Being 4/4 is great, and you’re beating the odds, but if you were just tossing a coin you’d be right 1/2^4, or 1/16 times (6.25%). So again, just because your gender-prediction dreams were right in the past doesn’t mean that something awful will happen to this pregnancy because you dreamt it.

[name]Hope[/name] that assuages some worries…

I’m not stressed about miscarriage. It did freak me out at first, but none of my dreams have been about anything real except for what gender it was.

And don’t get me wrong, if I am wrong and it’s a girl I’ll still be thrilled. But I’m going to keep faith that I’m having a boy.

Oh, that’s so cool! I wish i had gender-revealing dreams. My dreams about [name]Baby[/name] is 1) me running around the house not finding [name]Baby[/name] anywhere or 2) [name]Baby[/name] crying and scrying whenever I hold him/her and being sweet and happy when he/she is with Boyfriend. So I hope those dreams aren’t predictions on what’s to come…

I hope you have a little boy, [name]Tristan[/name] is such a beautiful name! (love [name]Gemma[/name] [name]Hermione[/name] too, though!)

I only get one, maybe two, “gender dreams”. I have other baby dreams too, like yours, where you don’t get a sense of the baby. Or your fears about what could go wrong, in your case, worrying that the baby will not bond with you the same he/she does with daddy.

But [name]Blade[/name] was right, and pregnancy usually does give off vivid dreams. I never dream as much as I do when I’m pregnant. I had to stop watching crime dramas (like [name]Law[/name] & Order:SVU) because they started to give me nightmares! I would recommend avoiding violent shows/movies. Especially anything sad to do with children, because if you’re anything like me it’ll haunt you later!

I always have crazy dreams when pregnant. Very freakish violent dreams too, not only about me but the kids, dh, family etc. Thankfully i have some, um, sexy dreams too so they are not all bad…

As far as gender dreams go. I dreamt with Vio that I would have a girl, but always felt I was having a boy. For the others, dreams would go back and forth between genders but my intuition was always the opposite of the gender I was having. Weird I know.

Pretty much each pregnancy I had the dreams of baby dieing. Ironically the one where I did have a baby die ([name]Felix[/name] passed at 21 weeks) i had no dreams of the sort. And with the others, healthy children. Had a very early miscarriage once, but it was too early to know and so I don’t count the fact that I had no loss dreams there to be anything strange. As I mentioned before, I often times have troubling violent dreams when pregnant, and know others that do too.

Awww, I’m sorry about your [name]Felix[/name]. Was it 21 weeks or days? I only ask because the dates say 10/10 to 10/10. My son [name]Remy[/name] died at 4 1/2 months from SIDS. He also died in 2010, but in [name]March[/name].

But I never have any actual “intuition” about what gender they’ll be. I only go by the dreams when I have them, otherwise your guess is as good as mine! I am eager to see if the dreams will be 5 for 5 now though since it’s the last time. :slight_smile:

This reminds me of a dream I had early in the first trimester. I dreamed that I had a beautiful baby girl- with a full head of dark hair and big blue eyes. The only problem was she had an extra miniature foot growing from one of her ankles.

That is my roundabout way of saying that I do not think dreams are indicative of what will happen.

Haha oh my gosh I had to stop watching SVU while I was pregnant too! (I was addicted to it but I would try to only watch the “happiest” sounding episodes which would still turn out to be so disturbing that it would give me horrible anxiety for days afterward and I would completely regret it lol).
I personally never had any dreams regarding gender, but then again I can’t really think of any dreams I had where I even saw the baby, they were usually relatively normal dreams about future situations where in them I just knew that I already had a baby.
Although I did have an intuitive feeling throughout the whole pregnancy and I somehow “knew” all along that he was going to be a boy. Like others have said, I obviously had a 50/50 chance of guessing that right, lol, so most of it was probably because that is what I was hoping for. So I suppose it’s not Too strange but I definitely know how cool it is to find out you were right, even if your gut feeling wasn’t based on much of anything. =]

Haha oh my gosh I had to stop watching SVU while I was pregnant too! (I was addicted to it but I would try to only watch the “happiest” sounding episodes which would still turn out to be so disturbing that it would give me horrible anxiety for days afterward and I would completely regret it lol). I personally never had any dreams regarding gender, but then again I can’t really think of any dreams I had where I even saw the baby, they were usually relatively normal dreams about future situations where in them I just knew that I already had a baby.
Although I did have an intuitive feeling throughout the whole pregnancy and I somehow “knew” all along that he was going to be a boy. Like others have said, I obviously had a 50/50 chance of guessing that right, lol, so most of it was probably because that is what I was hoping for. So I suppose it’s not Too strange but I definitely know how cool it is to find out you were right, even if your gut feeling wasn’t based on much of anything. =]

Haha oh my gosh I had to stop watching SVU while I was pregnant too! (I was addicted to it but I would try to only watch the “happiest” sounding episodes which would still turn out to be so disturbing that it would give me horrible anxiety for days afterward and I would completely regret it lol).
I personally never had any dreams regarding gender, but then again I can’t really think of any dreams I had where I even saw the baby, they were usually relatively normal dreams about future situations where in them I just knew that I already had a baby.

Although I did have an intuitive feeling throughout the whole pregnancy and I somehow “knew” all along that he was going to be a boy. Like others have said, I obviously had a 50/50 chance of guessing that right, lol, so most of it was probably because that is what I was hoping for. So I suppose it’s not Too strange but I definitely know how cool it is to find out you were right, even if your gut feeling wasn’t based on much of anything. =]

Haha oh my gosh I had to stop watching SVU while I was pregnant too! (I was addicted to it but I would try to only watch the “happiest” sounding episodes which would still turn out to be so disturbing that it would give me horrible anxiety for days afterward and I would completely regret it lol). I personally never had any dreams regarding gender, but then again I can’t really think of any dreams I had where I even saw the baby, they were usually relatively normal dreams about future situations where in them I just knew that I already had a baby.

Although I did have an intuitive feeling throughout the whole pregnancy and I somehow “knew” all along that he was going to be a boy. Like others have said, I obviously had a 50/50 chance of guessing that right, lol, so most of it was probably because that is what I was hoping for. So I suppose it’s not Too strange but I definitely know how cool it is to find out you were right, even if your gut feeling wasn’t based on much of anything. =]

I don’t have dreams about gender, but I do have gut feelings that have never been wrong. Usually by the end of the first trimester, I just KNOW. (I always question if this time I’m wrong, though!) This pregnancy, I found out at 15+ weeks that I was pregnant and the very next day I told my husband, “I’m thinking boy”. Ultrasound a few days later confirmed!

I realized when I was pregnant with [name]Seb[/name] that I could no longer watch any crime shows or action type things. Right now, its all comedy. Thankfully netflix just put Everybody Loves [name]Raymond[/name] on there and season 8 of the Office, woo hoo!

[name]Gigi[/name], I was 21 weeks pregnant when I was induced but he passed they estimate by size at 19-20 weeks.(So he was born still in november 2010) I turned 19 weeks on Friday with this baby and thenext few will be hard. So sorry to hear about your sweet [name]Remy[/name]. :frowning: A close friend had one of her daughters die from SIDS. They (she had b/g twins) were born premature the month before my [name]Violet[/name] but we were due just a few days apart. Her little girl was about 2 months old when it happened. Big sister found her. :frowning: So sorry that happened to you too.

I have a gut feeling about the gender too, but I don’t know if it’s right or if it’s just what seems logical to me.

I’m watching a lot of comedy too, no more Criminal Minds…