I believe Dh and I finally decided on a name and I think it’s a good compromise. If you happened to see my post last week, I was strongly leaning towards [name]Clementine[/name] [name]June[/name], but maybe [name]Emmeline[/name] [name]June[/name], and then a whole lot of other names as maybes.
Dh finally sat down with my list and picked [name]Hazel[/name], way down there on the “maybe” end of the list. As he explained: “There are two types of names: unfortunate ones and the rest of them” Sigh. I asked him if he chose it because he’s tired of hearing about names or if he really liked it - he said both. He has been calling her that ever since, so I assume he’s serious, even though I initially struggled to commit.
Some thoughts I had:
[name]How[/name] is this name so popular? #175? Before I looked it up, I guessed somewhere in the 400’s - in line with the old-lady revival, but no [name]Eleanor[/name]. I was really surprised that it was more popular than [name]Eliza[/name], which I had grown tired of because I feel like I hear it everywhere. I’ve never met a [name]Hazel[/name] in my life, young or old. I’ve heard of their existence through the internetz. I’m hoping it’s established enough to be a classic revival rather than a trendy blip.
I like the naturey / color vibe. My dog (surrogate baby for 8 years) is [name]Ruby[/name], so I feel like [name]Hazel[/name] is my style, though maybe a bit more serious and quiet than what I imagined. I like the Z in the middle.
She’ll be born in the fall, and it’s a fall name to me
I can imagine it on an energetic and an out going kid, or a quiet and serious kid. Artsy or scholarly or tomboyish. It seems to work.
[name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is slightly hicksterish to me, which is perfect. I love a good vintage southern name, but not preppy southern. More like hipster southern.
I will admit I wasn’t sure at first. Maybe I’m still talking myself into it, or maybe I just like the chase and I’m adjusting to this one being “it.” It has been a long, long ttc journey for us and somehow settling on a name that’s only been on the periphery of my radar feels a bit unusual.
I honestly never once imagined having a little [name]Hazel[/name], but yet it seems like a perfect fit for our family. Has anyone had this experience when naming their baby?
Any thoughts or feedback? [name]Do[/name] you know any little Hazels in real life? [name]How[/name] do you imagine a little [name]Hazel[/name]?
[name]Hazel[/name] is one of my favorite names. It’s really pretty, and makes me think of eyes. (My eyes are blue/brown hazel). It drops a bit at the end there, but it’s simple and sweet and ages really well. It’s quirky without being weird, simple without being boring, and cute without being nicknamey.
Everything about it is a perfect balance. It isn’t too much of anything.
[name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is a great combo, because [name]June[/name] really plays on the nature side of [name]Hazel[/name], and helps to contrast with the sounds. [name]Hazel[/name] is a bit of a harsher sound, but [name]June[/name] is soft and smooth.
I love the name [name]Hazel[/name], it would have been my pick from the names mentioned. I may be a little biased as i love two syllable names.
I’ve never met a [name]Hazel[/name] in Australia its ranked at 268 tho.
I havnt named a baby yet but I have had in my head for a long time that i would use the name [name]Christabel[/name] after my great grandmother, now that we are planning to have kids my partner says it sound like a cat name and wouldn’t want to use it
It took me a little while to let go of the idea of having a little [name]Christa[/name], but now we have found another name that over time we both fell in love with i’m glad to let the name go as the new name has a much better fit and its nice that we both like the name.
I have no preconceived ideas on the personality of a [name]Hazel[/name], I imagine they would however be adventurous, love reading and are artistic. and maybe quirky/spunky?
I dont think [name]Hazel[/name] will be a trendy blip
Take some time to try the name out, say it out loud and imagine using it in every day life and see if it grows on you more.
I love [name]Hazel[/name] and [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is completely gorgeous!
I would love to use it myself, but we have close friends with a teenage [name]Hazel[/name]. Their [name]Hazel[/name] is Beautiful! The name suited her as a baby and was off the dial cute as a toddler and young child. She is now growing into an intelligent young lady. She is bookish, sensitive and fun. She was named at a time when [name]Hazel[/name] was pretty out there, but she wears it well and loves her name.
I think [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is a lovely choice.
I [name]LOVE[/name] your name, [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name]. It will be just precious for your little girl. I think it started to grow in popularity again a few years ago when [name]Julia[/name] [name]Roberts[/name] used it for one of her twins. Regardless, it’s a great name and not too popular, definitely a classic. It was on our list and we would have used it, but we already have a son named [name]Hal[/name] and it was too matchy-matchy. My husband had a great aunt named [name]Hazel[/name] who he adored, so we have a strong positive association with the name. Congrats on reaching a #1 choice. I think y’all did a good job.
I think [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] sounds delightful.
I think one of the reasons why it might be so popular, is that [name]Julia[/name] [name]Roberts[/name] chose it as a name for her daughter. I’m not saying that is the only reason…but it probably did bring the name back into the light.
I think you picked a great name. [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is beautiful.
I know that feeling of ending up with a name that you never imagined using before but having it still feel like the right fit. This has happened to me a couple of times when naming my daughters. Two have names that weren’t even on my radar before I was pregnant with them. I suppose this is all part of searching for a name that both you and your husband can love. My husband has his own distinct taste when it comes to names and he wasn’t crazy about all of the names that I had on my list. Fortunately, we were able to find some common ground!
I know a [name]Hansel[/name] (as in [name]Hansel[/name] and [name]Gretel[/name] but this [name]Hansel[/name] is a girl) who changed her name to [name]Hazel[/name]. This girl is popularly and a big flirt. But I still picture [name]Hazel[/name] as a sweet, shyer name.
This made me laugh. I love [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name], and I love your dog’s name, my oldest daughter’s name is [name]Ruby[/name] [name]June[/name].
I really like the name [name]Hazel[/name]! It’s definitely a hipster name, though (not sure if you consider that a good thing or not - that would make my husband take it off the list! I love so many hipster names, though.) I found it to be very stressful actually naming a baby. When we had our daughter, we were in agreement about the name for a long time, but even after she was born I kept asking my husband “did we give her the right name?” I loved her name. It was the name I wanted. I could list a bunch of reasons why it was the perfect name for OUR little girl (just like you can). But, still, I couldn’t stop pondering and questioning and talking myself in to and out of it. She’s 1 year old now (her birthday was yesterday!) and I can tell you, we did give her the right name. Once your child is here, she will grow into the name.
I love [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name], it’s really lovely. I know a [name]Hazel[/name] in her 50s and a newborn, so it’s out there but not super popular (yet). I like your other names too but the one you have chosen is simply gorgeous. It’s also a great name for any type of girl - sporty, academic, girly, tomboy, artist, teacher, doctor, First Lady, President…
[name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is an absolutely beautiful name that any little girl would be lucky to have!
I think it’s so hard to commit to a single name when your a name lover! Of course its got to be a name you both agree on but if it feels like too much of a compromise maybe you need to keep searching! We chopped and changed alot during pregnancy… I would bring my partner a list of beautiful names I’d researched and discussed with berries and agonised over and he would totally tear it apart… I guess it made it easier that there were only really two he agreed on… Out of at least 15 I loved I was really torn between these two names and it was hard to make a decision… In the end about a month before my pregnancy I found out by chance that one name had this very special link to our love story and thus her story and that decided it for me! I [name]ADORE[/name] her name but I still sometimes think 'she could have been a…(insert a host of names here!!). I put it down to being a gemini and a namelover!!!
I would say keep in mind when you meet your daughter it may either feel very right or it won’t so it might be safer to keep a somewhat open mind… I had a lot of pressure to commit to a name from various family and friends but I refused until we had met her! That was the right thing for me… At various stages in the pregnancy when we thought we’d committed to one name or another people would refer to her by that name and even we would but I didn’t let that force me into committing to a name before she came! It’s a really big decision so don’t be pressured by your husband just because he’s fed up talking names!!!
That said I think hazel [name]June[/name] is totally stunning!
[name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name] is a stunning name. I see a [name]Hazel[/name] has someone who has the potential to make a significant mark on her world. I really don’t think a ranking of 175 is particularly popular. It just means the name is not unheard of.
I know a baby who is actually named [name]Hazel[/name] [name]June[/name]. I think it’s a nice name.
And I do have experience with a name I never imagined for my baby. DH and I had a really hard time coming up with names that we both liked. And the ones we did both like were sort of compromise neither were thrilled with it names. Then one day we were at dinner and he suggested [name]Matilda[/name] and I was in the midst of shooting him down telling him how we couldn’t name our daughter [name]Matilda[/name], could you imagine us sitting here to dinner me, you, and [name]Matilda[/name]? And then I was just like wait a minute, actually I can! And it stuck - and fits her well
I have personally never been a fan of [name]Hazel[/name]. Maybe because I have known of several pets with the name. I don’t think it is bad, I just wouldn’t personally use it.