I would love to be able to call our new baby boy [name]Finn[/name]. However, my husband will not let me name the baby just [name]Finn[/name] because he hates it. So I was thinking of using [name]Griffin[/name] which we both like with the nn of [name]Finn[/name].
[name]How[/name] popular is the name [name]Griffin[/name]?
Does anyone else have any other suggestions??
This is so hard!!
[name]Finn[/name] is incredibly handsome, despite its popularity. I think [name]Griffin[/name] is a great name, and I have never met one so I don’t think it’s too popular. It’s at #233 in the US, but to be honest that isn’t all that popular and it’s been floating around that mark for the last decade, so I think you can fairly safely assume that it’s not suddenly going to shoot up the charts.
I love [name]Finn[/name] and [name]Griffin[/name], but I don’t think [name]Finn[/name] is an intuitive nickname for [name]Griffin[/name], so you’d have to be okay with the fact that he might be called [name]Griff[/name] or simply [name]Griffin[/name].
[name]Finn[/name] is trendier than [name]Griffin[/name], I think, though both are handsome names and [name]Griffin[/name] is a creative way to get to [name]Finn[/name]. [name]Finnian[/name] and [name]Finnegan[/name] are also good but such concoctions as Finnick do not seem to me to be any “improvement.”
I feel the name [name]Finley[/name], and some similar ones sound not very masculine because girls are being given those names now. They also sound trendy. The name [name]Finnegan[/name] to me is not a name a kid or teen would like, and might get made fun of for. It sounds like a name a parent likes, but not a child. [name]Griffin[/name] sounds masculine and not trendy. I love that name. And yes he may get called [name]Griff[/name] sometimes as a nn, but if you choose to call him [name]Finn[/name] as a nn then that is what he will be known by and called. But if you say your husband hates the name [name]Finn[/name] is that a good nn for him, or does he just hate it as a stand alone first name?
He hates the stand alone name [name]Finn[/name]. I think it’s growing on him though. We are going to go with [name]Griffin[/name] [name]Ryan[/name] nn [name]Finn[/name]!!