"I Would Never Name My Kid..." (8 options)

See the results of this poll: Vote for your LEAST favorite name!

Respondents: 69 (This poll is closed)

  • Beatrice : 5 (4%)
  • Clea : 13 (9%)
  • Coppelia : 25 (18%)
  • Fleurine : 42 (30%)
  • Ginny : 10 (7%)
  • Illyria : 17 (12%)
  • Peony : 19 (14%)
  • Sonya: 8 (6%)

8 gorgeous namesss that I love :slight_smile:

Meh about most of these, the only one I really dislike is [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f].

[name_f]Fleurine[/name_f] is definitely the worst. Sounds like fluorine.

[name_f]Peony[/name_f] sounds like pee-on-me. TBH I wanted to check all of them.

Thank you emmamay for your opinion!

Fluorine? Its sounds indeed eheh :slight_smile:

Thank you bassilly for your opinion!

I don’t know why… but when I read “pee-on-me” it reminded me of that song “call on me” AHAH

Thank you bordercollie for your opinion! :slight_smile:

[name_f]Sonya[/name_f] - terrible associations for me, plus it sounds really dated. Most [name_f]Sonya[/name_f]'s I know are between age 35-50. [name_f]Peony[/name_f] and [name_f]Fleurine[/name_f] are close runners up, though.

Thank you coddiwomple for your opinion! :slight_smile:

Honestly, I greatly dislike all of them. [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f] is probably the most tolerable of the lot, and only barely.

I’m not a fan of any, but I would never name my kid [name_f]Peony[/name_f]. I hate the sound and the way it looks.

[name_f]Fleurine[/name_f] is definitely my least favourite… it sounds like a toothpaste or cleaning product. That or people trying to combine pretty sounds to create an interesting and unusual name, and failing badly.

I love [name_f]Beatrice[/name_f], and Illyria is beautiful too!

Thank you mummacat92, aleshatg36 and bonfireazalea for your opinion! :slight_smile:

[name_f]Beatrice[/name_f]. Such a hideous, dorky name.