See the results of this poll: Options :
Respondents: 49 (This poll is closed)
- Its abslotuly cruel on a boy : 19 (39%)
- I dont care for it : 27 (55%)
- I find it kind of cute on a boy: 3 (6%)
Respondents: 49 (This poll is closed)
While it’s nms, I think [name_u]Remi[/name_u] would make a super cute nn.
It’s not a horrible name and if you love it then go for it! I just prefer the less common virtue names. The common ones, [name_f]Hope[/name_f], [name_f]Faith[/name_f], [name_f]Charity[/name_f], [name_f]Remember[/name_f] etc feel like they might inspire too much teasing potential for me to use personally.
Im not really a fan of it as a first name, its very long and the only short form for it (that comes to mind ) is member which is alternate word for male genitalia in Australia.
Depends on the area you want to raise the child
It feels cruel for any child, regardless of gender.
Thanks all of you for your opinions . Good or bad
@tuitree : Thanks I like [name_u]Remi[/name_u] also as a nn .
@bettydogooder : Thanks
@casilda : Thanks
Not a huge fan regardless of gender, sorry But I definitely don’t think giving either gender the name is “cruel”. [name_m]Just[/name_m] not my style. I do think the suggestion of [name_u]Remi[/name_u] as a nn is cute
I like [name_u]Remy[/name_u]/[name_u]Remi[/name_u] for a boy or girl… but I think the whole “member” part of [name_f]Remember[/name_f] is just asking for teasing as a boy grows up.
I agree with all of this.
I find that it would cause a bit of teasing, but other than that it is a nice name.
I also imagine they’ll have a few conversations like this:
“I can’t remember your name, what was it again?”
“I really can’t remember, can I at least get a hint?”
“It’s [name_f]Remember[/name_f].”
“No, I really don’t remember. I’m sorry.”
“No, my name is [name_f]Remember[/name_f].”
[name_f]Remember[/name_f] is not my favorite, but as others have said, its a personal choice. Also, yes, [name_u]Remi[/name_u] (in [name_m]French[/name_m]: Rémy, Rémi) is a great name with some Acadian connections in [name_f]Louisiana[/name_f]…
[name_f]Virtue[/name_f] names that might also be inspiring:
Merit (I have met two really cute boys with this name)
[name_u]August[/name_u] (a classic)
[name_m]Hale[/name_m] (quite masculine)
Persevere ([name_u]Percy[/name_u] as a nickname)
[name_m]Worth[/name_m] (unique but not to mind bending)
Best of [name_m]Luck[/name_m]!
I personally don’t care for it on a boy or a girl. Sorry.
I [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] [name_f]Remember[/name_f] for either gender.
I think it could work as a middle name for either gender, but I wouldn’t use it as a first name for either gender.
This seems like one of those names that would only work if your son were being born in 1713 instead of 2013. I like the concept, but I’m not crazy about it as a first name. It’d be very intriguing as a middle though.
Like it as a middle, but reminds me of ‘dismember’ for a first name. Would also be nice if it were a middle name remembering someone special to you as well.
While I like the nn [name_u]Remi[/name_u], I think naming a child (either gender) [name_f]Remember[/name_f] is just confusing and odd. I really don’t prefer it. I read once that you should name your child a name that you would like to have yourself. If you wouldn’t mind being a “[name_f]Remember[/name_f]” then go for it! But I think this name really needs to be thought through.
i can’t give you an objective opinion, of course, but my husband and i have no regrets about naming our daughter [name_f]Remember[/name_f], and as for teasing, kids will find something to tease about no matter what the name. depends more on the child, i think, than the name. choose the name that has a deep meaning for you and suits your child best. i truly believe you can’t go wrong there, no matter what the naysayers say, and [name_f]Remember[/name_f] will grow up to be just as happy and well-adjusted as a [name_m]Michael[/name_m].
i think [name_f]Remember[/name_f] could be used on a girl or boy, and i do like [name_u]Remy[/name_u] as a nn for a boy. [name_f]Remember[/name_f] [name_m]Baker[/name_m] was a famous militia man from the pre-Revolutionary period in [name_u]America[/name_u].
Thanks all of you for your opinions I have lots of years to think about that name lol .
@vicioustrollop9 : Thanks !! I like the nn [name_u]Remi[/name_u] also . With cruel i mean terrible , horrible , worst name etc.
@tarah_e : Thanks !! I havent thought about the member part but it doesnt bother me .
@cannebella : Thanks !!
@nora : Thanks !! I like that kinds of conservations
@peaches04 : Thanks !! I love all your suggestions actually !! Especcially [name_m]Worth[/name_m] !! I havent thought of that !!
@mrs_anton_yelchin1990 : Thanks !!
@[name_f]Sabrina[/name_f] : Thanks !! I know you would love it
@thatkathryngirl : Thanks ! I like the idea of using it as a middle but i dont know what to pair it with !!
@southern.maple : Thanks !! I happen to think a lot of names that are using right now should be using in 1713 . I like the idea of an "old soul " son
@ciottolo : Thanks !!
@asche926 : Thanks !! I would [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] to be a [name_f]Remember[/name_f] !! I often imagine myself with this name .
@margrocks : Thanks !! You know how much i love your daughter’s name , right ? I totally get what you mean and i agree with you . Personally thinks its totally depends on the child .
I wouldn’t say cruel.
I think as a middle name I could handle it. As a first…I wouldn’t do it.
Thanks for commenting and voting
@kala_way : Thanks !!
@tfzolghadr : Thanks !! I havent thought that it sound like a command . It kind of sound .