Ice - Unisex or nah?

So I made a post a while back asking if Izzy was unisex and the answer seemed to lean towards no. But now I come back to ask, what gender would you assume of Ice? Masculine leaning, fem, completely unassuming? Just curious.

Ice, is it unisex?
  • Yes, I think it’s fitting for either gender.
  • No, boy only.
  • No, girl only.
  • Masculine leaning, but unisex
  • Feminine leaning, but unisex
  • Other? Feel free to explain.

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All the “ice” people that immediately come to mind are male- Ice-T, Vanilla [name_u]Ice[/name_u], and that one guy in Hocus Pocus :joy:


I think of Iceman from Top [name_m]Gun[/name_m], but I suppose it could work for either!


OMG YES Ice was iconic lol


Ahh I know what you mean, Lol. I do think of the song “Ice [name_u]Ice[/name_u] Baby” and how could I forget [name_u]Ice[/name_u] Cube? :joy:

I wouldn’t assume either way; it’s so distinctive and unusual and the imagery/sound don’t lean one way or the other

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