I'd really love some naming help...

So hey fellow berries! (can you tell I’m new already?)

I’d really like some help with naming a few (ok, a few more than a few) of my new book characters. They are as follows:

Main Character (boy) - bright, adventurous, but not buff or anything like a jock. He does diving but doesn’t attend meets. He’s the [name]Hero[/name] of Elsgood but if he could be labeled as anything, he’s unsure, insecure, and unheroic. However, he has the uncanny ability to see through people and lift people up when he is feeling down. I’m looking for names like [name]Felix[/name] or [name]Evan[/name] for him.

Co-main (girl) - the daughter of the queen (see below), an overachieving admiral in the Elsgood [name]Navy[/name], black belt holder in [name]Tae[/name]-Kwon-[name]Do[/name] and Kung fu, and a master equestrian. she has ice-blue hair always in a ponytail and pale skin. She’s very loud and outgoing but reserved and cautious towards people she doesn’t know. On a side note, I’d prefer longer names ([name]Andromeda[/name], Nymphadora) - sort of [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name] type names for her. But don’t use ones already in the books! And also, if you could find ones with shorter nicknames that would be PERFECT. :razz:

Co-main (boy) - he’s kind of crazy (think [name]Luna[/name] Lovegood-type) but has the sweetest heart. He’s always the peacemaker and keeps spirits light. He’s kind of gullible, though, and believes what people tell him. He doesn’t originate from Elsgood (He comes from the faraway land of Warmsprint) but it’s his home now. For names, I’m looking for classy names (think [name]Alexander[/name], [name]Daniel[/name])

Antagonist (girl) - very beautiful, seductive, disguises herself as part of the group. I was thinking something very long (Russian?) but with a short, applicable version ([name]Anna[/name]) to use with the group.

And lastly, I need a poll for the [name]Queen[/name]. It will either be [name]Madeira[/name], [name]Nadine[/name], [name]Elvira[/name], or [name]Ophelia[/name].

Thanks so much!

MC- I really like [name]Felix[/name]. I would suggest [name]Evander[/name], [name]Reuben[/name], [name]Blaine[/name] and [name]Roman[/name].
Co main(girl)- I think [name]Andromeda[/name] fits her very well. Others I suggest are [name]Desdemona[/name] nn [name]Mona[/name], [name]Artemis[/name], [name]Calliope[/name], [name]Oceane[/name], and [name]Echo[/name].
Co main(boy)- I think [name]Alexander[/name] and [name]Daniel[/name] could be a bit forgetable. Classic but more uncommon names are [name]Ezra[/name], [name]Nathaniel[/name], [name]Saul[/name], [name]Emmanuel[/name], and [name]Julian[/name].
Antagonist- The first thing that came to mind was [name]Anastasia[/name]. Some names that can be shortened are [name]Katerina[/name] nn [name]Kat[/name], [name]Valentina[/name] nn [name]Val[/name]/[name]Tina[/name], [name]Filomena[/name] nn [name]Mena[/name], and Tatian(n)a nn [name]Tati[/name]/[name]Ana[/name]. Others are [name]Nadia[/name], [name]Lida[/name] and [name]Galina[/name].
[name]Queen[/name]- I like [name]Madeira[/name] and its unusualness. My second favoriet would be [name]Elvira[/name].

I like [name]Felix[/name] a lot as well. I also like [name]Roman[/name], but I don’t think it would fit with the story…
I agree with [name]Andromeda[/name] (nn [name]Andy[/name]?) but it was used as a minor character in [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name]… opinions?
I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Ezra[/name]. But I’m not sure whether it would fit well with the rest of the names.
I was originally going for [name]Anastasia[/name] nn [name]Anna[/name], but I didn’t want both girls to have “a” names. I like [name]Filomena[/name] nn [name]Mena[/name] though…
And for the [name]Queen[/name] I was originally between [name]Madeira[/name] and [name]Elvira[/name]… I’ll have to think about it.

Thanks so much for the help! :razz:

IIts me again! :slight_smile:

[name]Just[/name] answering your question about [name]Andromeda[/name]. I have no recollection of an [name]Andromeda[/name] in HP but then again I was in 3rd grade when I read them. (I know I was waaaaay to young to understand them!) Haha anyways, I think it’d be fine, but if you’re still not sure, maybe a poll?

Yes, [name]Andromeda[/name] is in the Series, she’s [name]Narcissa[/name] Malfoy’s elder sister. She’s never really present in the books, but she’s mentioned a few times.

Other names that you might like:

MC - I just adore [name]Felix[/name]! [name]How[/name] about: [name]Arthur[/name] “[name]Art[/name]”, [name]Casper[/name], [name]John[/name], [name]James[/name], [name]Ethan[/name], [name]Carter[/name], [name]Lee[/name], [name]Samuel[/name] “[name]Sam[/name]”, [name]Lionel[/name] “[name]Leo[/name]”, [name]Theodore[/name] “[name]Ted[/name]”,
CM (G) - You’ve caught me with [name]Andromeda[/name] coughcoughusernamecoughcough :wink: Try: [name]Elizabeth[/name] “[name]Lizzie[/name]”, [name]Genevieve[/name] “[name]Gen[/name]”, [name]Deirdre[/name], [name]Calliope[/name] “[name]Cal[/name]”, [name]Rosalind[/name] “[name]Rosie[/name]”, [name]Cordelia[/name] “[name]Cori[/name]”, [name]Maddox[/name] “[name]Mads[/name]”, [name]Bernadine[/name] “[name]Bernie[/name]”, [name]Cleopatra[/name] “[name]Cleo[/name]”,
CM (B) - I love [name]Alexander[/name]. Think: [name]Bertram[/name] “[name]Bert[/name]”, [name]Jaques[/name], Gustavio “[name]Gus[/name]”, [name]Maximillian[/name] “[name]Max[/name]”, [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Django[/name], [name]Quincy[/name], [name]Fredrick[/name] “[name]Fred[/name]”, [name]Francisco[/name]
AN - [name]Anastasia[/name], maybe, could work with [name]Anna[/name] as a short. Also: [name]Annabel[/name], [name]Anamarie[/name], [name]Anya[/name], Analynn, Anarisa (love this name), [name]Adrianna[/name] or [name]Andrea[/name], [name]Antoinette[/name], Alleyana
QN - [name]Madeira[/name] reminds me of the beach (since that’s the one I go to), and I’ve always associated [name]Nadine[/name] with evil and mermaids :confused: [name]Elvira[/name] reminds me of elves, but it’s really pretty. I love [name]Ophelia[/name], and I think it’d be a beautiful name for a queen, especially a young one. Good luck! :smiley: