If Anyone Objects, Speak Now! (NB Game)

I’m feeling a little dramatic with this game. This is not a game where the couple is in love, marries, and has their dream future with as many kids as they want. This is a game where a couple is about to get married, only to have their wedding OBJECTED! This could be vengeful & devious or on the flip side, completely justified! And yes, I did listen to [name_u]Taylor[/name_u] Swift’s Speak Now before making this game although it’s only a loose adaptation of the song TBH given the many possible ways this game can go.

First, create your couple. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice on how their names should be.

  1. Romantic names
  2. [name_m]Classic[/name_m] names
  3. Literary names
  4. “Old people” names
  5. Ancient names (names that existed several centuries ago and/or names in mythology)
  6. Whatever you want!

Now create your “objector” character. You may use the same format with their name as what you used for the couple or go with whatever you want. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice for how they are involved with the wedding.

  1. They were invited as a guest.
  2. They were a +1 for an invited guest.
  3. They were not invited in any way and this is a wedding crash.
  4. They’re a wedding vendor.
  5. They were going to be a guest in the ceremony, but that changed and they aren’t anymore. (Whether they were uninvited or voluntarily RSVP’d “no” is up to you)
  6. Whatever you want!

Now it’s time for the story, which will be in italic from this point forward. “Lover #1” and “Lover #2” will refer to the couple so replace it with their names, while (Objector) will be for the character objecting.

It’s been an exciting engagement for (Lover #1) and (Lover #2). From the moment the question was popped and answered with a “yes”, the two were excited for what came ahead. Admittedly, they were feeling quite ahead of themselves, but the moment (Objector) found out about the engagement, there was something the couple didn’t know after all. (Objector) felt uneasy. [name_m]Ah[/name_m], this was a mistake. They shouldn’t have really gotten this far in their plans for marriage.

Why does the objector want to stop the wedding? Some of these may be justifiable, some more vengeful, some more whimsical. [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-12 dice.

  1. The objector is an ex of one of the lovers, and wants to stop the wedding to spare the other lover from the same hurt.
  2. The objector is an ex of one of the lovers, and wants to stop the wedding to pursue a chance with the former S.O.
  3. The objector is a partner/casual date of one of the lovers, and wants to stop the wedding because of that lover being a cheater.
  4. The objector knows one of the lovers is a criminal.
  5. The objector knows that one of the lovers had previously married someone and that divorce wasn’t finalised, so that lover is still already legally married.
  6. The objector knows one of the lovers fabricated huge amounts of their life story while dating and that they are not who they say they are.
  7. The objector is a distant but angered relative who disapproves of the marriage (whether the disapproval is justified or not is up to you).
  8. The objector simply believes the couple isn’t in love and are moving too quickly with their feelings and will regret it later on.
  9. The objector has been greatly wronged by one or both lovers (you choose) in the past, so the objection was solely revenge to ruin their moment.
  10. The objector hates one of the lovers and knows that person is wrong for the other, whom the objector secretly admires.
  11. The objector knows one or both of the lovers (you choose) is marrying for a reason other than love.
  12. Whatever you want!

(Objector) is certain about themselves and their reasoning and that they’re going to do whatever it takes to stop the wedding. They just found out the couple is getting married. How do they react?

[name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice for their reaction.

  1. They pretend they didn’t know about this and keep quiet for the moment, but secretly want it to stop.
  2. They tell the couple to reconsider, but the couple reassures it will be fine.
  3. They act happy for the couple although they’re not happy.
  4. They say “Congratulations” but tell someone else not involved in the wedding about their true feelings.
  5. They panic and ask, “WHAT?” but then say, “Oh nothing!”when
  6. Whatever you want!

(Objector) didn’t want to do this, but for the greater good, it was time to make a plan. A plan to stop the wedding. There’s starting to be some regret about not acting fast when the news was announced due to fears of making it awkward, but it’s about to be more awkward. (Objector) has been seeing how this couple is going along with wedding planning but is still convinced the wedding shouldn’t happen. Maybe consulting the couple could help before the plans go too far.

[name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice on how this consultation goes.

  1. The couple is shocked and defensive after (Objector) states why this wedding planning should stop.
  2. (Objector) tries to keep turning the conversation against the idea of the marriage, but the couple keeps turning it back in support of it, making the conversation feel useless in the end.
  3. The couple knows already that (Objector) doesn’t approve and states that the marriage is their decision and that (Objector) doesn’t need to tell them why it’s a bad idea.
  4. After (Objector) explains, the couple continues to give reasons why they love each other and that any negativity just isn’t true.
  5. One of the lovers is feeling second thoughts, but the other lover quickly convinces away any doubt.
  6. Whatever you want!

At the end of the conversation, it was futile. It didn’t work and the couple is still set on marrying. After (Objector) is unsuccessful at talking the couple out of marrying, there were attempts to try to recruit (Roll D6) people involved with the wedding for help on why it should be reconsidered. But nobody there wants to cancel plans especially when the couple wanted to keep going anyway. The reaction didn’t work, the consultation didn’t work, the recruiting didn’t work. (Objector) goes on with everything in life, hoping that the plans wouldn’t go forward, but it only goes closer and closer. It’s a bright and early [name_f]Sunday[/name_f] when (Objector) wakes up on that day the wedding was planned, but not a thing was forgotten when it came to the wedding. After some time and thinking, (Objector) was left with only one choice for the sake of (objection reason) – a wedding objection at the very same wedding that’s been planned for all this time.

[name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice for where the wedding will take place.

  1. [name_m]Church[/name_m]
  2. Banquet hall
  3. [name_u]Beach[/name_u]
  4. [name_f]Meadow[/name_f]
  5. Rustic barn
  6. Whatever you want!

(Objector) drives to the (venue) where the wedding is taking place, trying not to attract attention. Whispers are heard, although it’s unclear if they’re about (Objector), (Lover #1), (Lover #2), or really anyone. Some of the people who get along with (Objector) smile and have a friendly conversation, although they won’t stop talking about the couple and wedding. In what seems like eternity, the conversation is finally ended when there’s a cue that the wedding is about to start. (Objector) sits down and admittedly feels bad in a sense for the time that was taken to set this up and is looking around at the people, knowing their whole mood will change at the objection that’s about to happen. The one part of the wedding that nobody else planned, or even knew was happening. (Objector) is the only one who knows for sure what will happen, but stops peeking around when someone sitting down glares back – a familiar face as it’s one of the people who almost got recruited. Still, nobody thinks it’s going to lead to a real objection and that anyone who knew about (Objector)’s opinion just assumed (Objector) got over this feeling and accepts the wedding now. Eyes are turned to the aisle when it’s time to walk down and after that walk, the couple are at the centre of the altar. (Objector) remembers why the wedding needed to be stopped and is determined now. While it didn’t have to come to this, nobody listened before when (Objector) tried so hard before to warn them. The flower girl and ring bearer walk by so innocently, the wedding party stands tall and proudly, as the couple recite their vows. The thought runs through, ‘Are these vows even true?’ Then the moment happens.

How does the objection occur? [name_m]Roll[/name_m] a 1-6 dice.

  1. The priest asks the words, “If anyone objects, please speak now or forever hold your peace.” (Objector) responds, “I object!” and everyone silently turns to hear (objection reason).
  2. The priest doesn’t ever ask if anyone objects, but (Objector) stands and speaks up with an objection and a reason.
  3. (Objector) points out an untrue part of one of the vows, then proceeds with a formal objection.
  4. The priest asks the words, “If anyone objects, please speak now or forever hold your peace.” (Objector) stands up nervously and is booed before talking, but nervously states the true reason why before getting more confident the more details are spilled.
  5. (Objector) walks down the aisle directly at the couple, then states the objection and reason.
  6. Whatever you want!

People are silent. Mumbles of “Why?” are heard. There’s a few boos at (Objector) and the couple is flabbergasted. (Objector) states that there was ample time before the wedding to stop what was going to happen and tries to detail the objection in a way that makes it seem like it was meant to happen. One thing’s for sure, the vibe feels a lot of uncertainty as to how the wedding will go on [or not!] after the objection.

[name_m]Roll[/name_m] 1-10 dice for the wedding’s fallout.

  1. The couple continues with the wedding and gets officially married, but nobody seems happy for them anymore.
  2. Ultimately, one of the lovers (you choose) states that it’s not the time to continue with this wedding given the circumstances but clarifies that the couple could still marry at another time when everything is resolved.
  3. (Objector) runs off and one of the lovers (you choose) follows and hears through the entire explanation. The wedding doesn’t resume.
  4. The wedding seems like it will resume, but only one lover (you choose) says “I do” while the other is taken aback and says “I don’t”. They don’t kiss and they cancel the reception, leaving the wedding where it is.
  5. The couple politely thanks the attendees and wedding party but dismisses them, then argues with one other after the others are gone.
  6. (Objector) stays at the wedding to ensure that everything doesn’t continue and it doesn’t.
  7. (Objector) runs off but no one follows. Some guests are angry but one of the lovers (you choose) cheers up the vibe and insists that everything was fine after all and they continue as a couple.
  8. The couple interrupts (Objector)’s explanation and continue their vows, ignoring what happened for the sake of the wedding. They marry.
  9. Some people actually clap at (Objector). One lover (you choose) is angry but says nothing while the other lover (you choose) is glad the wedding was objected.
  10. Whatever you want!

A month later, people still remember the moment. It’s raw and bittersweet, it was a way of seeing how people really are inside during moments like this. (Lover #1) and (Lover #2) learned a lot more about each other as well. Everything really wasn’t the same after that, especially after the reasoning as well. (Objector) looks back at that moment a lot, with the role played in how everything turned out. It’s hard to believe it happened, but it’s harder to find any regrets. Time will go on in the end.

[name_m]Roll[/name_m] 1-10 dice for the aftermath of everything one month after the objection.

  1. Honestly, the couple still won’t talk to (Objector), but many of the guests have since believed (Objector) was right.
  2. A lover (you choose) wants to continue talking to (Objector) while the other lover (you choose) wants nothing to do with it.
  3. The couple believes a marriage like that was bound to be annulled and don’t find one other valid anymore.
  4. (Objector) moves on with life with no regrets and puts everything that happened behind, never to look back.
  5. The couple may not have stayed at this point, but (Objector) is doing much better romantically!
  6. The couple argues a lot but are still together. (Objector) feels a lot of heat for what happened but moves forward more every day.
  7. The couple is content with their decision they made at the fallout and haven’t changed their minds since then.
  8. The couple insists the decision would have been the same regardless of the objection occurring. (Objector) feels like an outcast but has potential to get on good terms with some of the guests once everything is cleared and more understanding.
  9. (Objector) is very polarising with the people at the wedding, with half agreeing and the other half being angered. However, good things happen in (Objector)‘s life which makes a lot of better self-love in the end.
  10. Whatever you want!

Alrighty, there it is! Whether you were rooting for the Objector, the couple, or anything in between; hope you enjoyed this game. Definitely not your typical wedding game, but nonetheless still fun for me to create. Cheers!

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This was fun

Couple (3): [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] and [name_f]Eloise[/name_f]
Objector Involvement (5): They were going to be a guest but RSVP’s no
[name_u]Reason[/name_u] for objection: (6): The objector knows one of the lovers fabricated huge amounts of their life story while dating and that they are not who they say they are
Reactions (2): They tell the couple to reconsider but the couple reassures it will be fine
Consultation (4): After the objector explains, the couple continues to give reasons why they love each other and that any negativity just isn’t true
Venue (5): Rustic [name_m]Barn[/name_m]
Objection (1): The priest asks the words, ‘if anyone objects, please speak now or forever hold your peace.’ Objector responds, ‘I object’ and everyone silently turns to hear the objector’s reason
Fallout (9): Some people actually clap at objector. [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] is angry but says nothing while [name_f]Eloise[/name_f] is glad the wedding was objected
Aftermath (6): The couple argues a lot but are still together. Objector feels a lot of heat for what happened but moves forward more everyday.

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