If at First you Don't Succeed...

Hey guys (:
Okay, so, um, I posted this early this morning and I got about fifty views… but no comments ): I was very sad, but I’d like to remind people that literally anything except for, like, a recipe for cake will help, since I have really no ideas whatsoever.

Here’s the scoop:
I’m writing a short story about a future world where people are perfect. No disabilites, no diseases, no obesity. The people who aren’t perfect are sent to a “hospital”, which none of the perfect people know about. This hospital pretty much waits until you’re sixteen years old, all the while studying you and forcing you into experiments, then kills you so they can use your body parts for plastic surgery for the perfect people. Yeah, I know. It’s kinda gross. It’s also waaay darker than anything else I’ve ever written, so I’m going to need some special names. I like the whole “futuristic hunger games” naming idea, but nothing too weird please. I have been [name]Star[/name] Trek free for six years, and I hope to never have a relapse, because the best doctors say I may not ever recover for a second time.

    The main character is a fifteen year old girl living in the hospital who is going to turn sixteen in a week. Her "disabilities" include Asthma, an ever so slight case of Bipolar Disorder, and Panophobia, AKA: a fear of everything. She knows what's going to happen when she reaches sixteen, but she doesn't think there's anything weird about it, because she's known about it her whole life. Well, she finds out somehow that people can live past 16 years, and makes a run for it. So far, my idea of her is tall (but not lanky), maybe like reddish/dark brown curly hair? Not like "[name]Hermione[/name]" curly, more like ringlets. And her eyes... I haven't really decided yet. Maybe if you have some ideas on that too? 

    Second character is another girl. Short, light brown hair this time, clear blue eyes. She's sixteen on the opening day in the first chapter, but escapes. She's kind of an inspiration for the MC to leave the hospital. Second character is blind, that's the whole reason why she's not a perfect person.

    Third character is a boy. Fourteen, really looks like main character (He turns out to be her little brother) except different colored eyes. He is in the hospital for his scoliosis (have absolutely no idea of how to spell this and am currently too lazy to open up a new tab to spell check it). I was thinking something along the lines of "[name]Soren[/name]" or "[name]Wyatt[/name]" for his name.

    Fourth character (I swear, I'm almost finished ) is another boy. He is a "perfect person". Seventeen and handsome, maybe dark blond hair, chocolate brown eyes, nicely built. He becomes good friends with main character girl.

Thank you for reading this insanely long post, but I need help!
Lots of [name]Love[/name]!
–Lailey Jamestock, the aspiring author

The first thing I think of is [name]Celia[/name], [name]Celie[/name], or [name]Cecelia[/name] for the second character, since it means “blind one”.
For the third character, why don’t you just use [name]Soren[/name]. It’s a beautiful name.
For the fourth character I’m thinking something [name]Roman[/name] and strong, like [name]Cassian[/name] (pn cash-en) or [name]Atticus[/name].
I can’t seem to think of anything for your MC, but if I do I’ll post it.
[name]Hope[/name] this helps!

I’ll help! If you like the “Hunger Games” style, does that mean you want nature names as most every body in those books have nature names. I’ll give you some of those, and some others you may like (some obvious nature names, others not so obvious). Let me know if you want something different:

Girls Nature names

[name]Evanthe[/name] – eh-van-thee
[name]Iona[/name] – ee-oh-nah

Boys Nature Names


Girl names with meanings you may like:

[name]Cecelia[/name]/[name]Cecilia[/name]/[name]Cecily[/name] – blind
[name]Sheila[/name] – blind
[name]Silja[/name] – blind – sil-ya
[name]Meri[/name] – bitter, rebellious
[name]Palti[/name] – my escape
Bahati – lucky
[name]Fausta[/name] – lucky
[name]Felicia[/name] – lucky, happy, successful
[name]Felina[/name] – lucky, cat-like
Mazel – lucky
[name]Claudia[/name]/[name]Claudette[/name] – lame

Boys names:

[name]Faust[/name]/[name]Faustus[/name] – lucky
[name]Felix[/name] – lucky, happy, successful
Barram – handsome man
[name]Beau[/name] – handsome, sweetheart
[name]Calix[/name] – handsome man
Trahan – handsome man
[name]Kenneth[/name] – fair and fiery
[name]Cahil[/name] – young, inexperienced
[name]Lionel[/name] – young lion
[name]Claudius[/name] – lame

Since I wasn’t entirely sure about the style you wanted, I hope you find something in there. Otherwise, let me know what it is you actually wanted and I’ll come back to help :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve posted in here too with very little help received so I feel you!

Heya! Thanks, you guys! These really help a lot :slight_smile:
To answer your questions, yes, I do like the “nature” aspect of Hunger Games, but I also like the whole idea of using older names (like the [name]Roman[/name] ones used in the series) and making them known through a memorable character. If it helps with any suggestions, I am pretty certain that the main character’s last name is [name]Kerris[/name]. Here are my favorites so far:
[name]Briar[/name] (love how the sound isn’t too odd, if you know what I mean; it’s almost like “[name]Brian[/name]” or “[name]Bryony[/name]”)
[name]River[/name] (just feels like such a cool name)
[name]North[/name] (absolutely PERFECT as one of the last names! Thanks tons!)
[name]Evanthe[/name] (I am adoring the sound, but do any of you think I would be butchering it if I spelled it differently? Like “Evanthy” or “[name]Evanthie[/name]”, only for pronounciation issues, of course)
[name]Celie[/name] (looks so cute! I can imagine it on a little girl, maybe a nn for [name]Celine[/name] or [name]Cicily[/name]. [name]How[/name] would one pronounce it? “SEE-ly” or “se-[name]LEE[/name]”?)
[name]Beau[/name] (long time favorite)
[name]Atticus[/name] (love it, but I’m afraid that every time I type it, I’ll want to add “[name]Finch[/name]” :P. I don’t think I’ll let that keep me from putting it on the list, though!)

    • Lailey Jamestock, aspiring author

I already posted [name]Cecelia[/name] on your other thread, but what about [name]Magnolia[/name] for a nature name? And I love lion names for brave guys, eg. [name]Lionel[/name], [name]Leon[/name], [name]Leo[/name].

I’d say [name]Ginger[/name] for the main girl, [name]Maria[/name] for the second girl, [name]Bruno[/name] for the boy, like [name]Bruno[/name] [name]Mars[/name], and, since you like [name]Roman[/name] names, how about [name]Julius[/name], like [name]Julius[/name] [name]Caesar[/name]?