IF initials could spell the nn? WDYT: cool or kitsch?

In theory, if you could have the initials spell the nn… WDYT?

EG Leonard Edwin Osmond nn [name]Leo[/name]

So, is it cool or kitsch? :confused:


I think its kind of cool. I think its weird if you pick names just so that nn can be in the initials though. Using your example, I think it’s weird if you love [name]Leonard[/name] nn [name]Leo[/name] but don’t like [name]Edwin[/name] or [name]Osmond[/name] but just picked them so the initials would spell [name]Leo[/name].

If it happens by accident or if you do it with names you loves though, I think it’s cool.

It’s not really my style, but I’m not much of a nickname person anyway.
I agree with Dantea, I don’t see the point on picking [name]Edwin[/name] or [name]Osmond[/name] if you don’t like either name (general ‘you’, not you, the OP, specifically, because I have no idea how you feel about [name]Edwin[/name] & [name]Osmond[/name]), especially when you can get [name]Leo[/name] from [name]Leonard[/name]. I kind of feel like when it’s redundant, like [name]Leonard[/name] [name]Edwin[/name] [name]Osmond[/name] nn [name]Leo[/name]-from-initials, it’s lame.
If you’re bound to using family names you don’t care for, like [name]Gertrude[/name] [name]Eglantine[/name] [name]Myfanwy[/name] (just putting it out there that I do like [name]Eglantine[/name] and [name]Myfanwy[/name], haha) and your last name starts with A and you hate the nickname [name]Gertie[/name] or [name]Trudy[/name], then by all means, [name]Gema[/name] is a saving grace for this one.

It’s not something I’d ever think to do, but I’ve seen other people mention plans to pull it off… though I’ve never seen it work when put in the practice.

In my own case it would be using a FN and MN I actually [name]LOVE[/name] in combo with my LN to make the nn using initials.
It was by no means planned, as I didn’t realise until I wrote the initals out … looked, then there it was… the nn!


I worked with a younger man whose name was [name]Stephen[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] M., nicknamed [name]Sam[/name]. At first it was different to me, but now I think it’s kind of neat :slight_smile:

[name]One[/name] of my combos works out perfectly like that and it was totally unintentional.

[name]Jonas[/name] [name]Orrin[/name] [name]Emmanuel[/name]: [name]JOE[/name]!

I think it is pretty cool. It’s strange though because [name]Leo[/name] would be a nn for [name]Leonard[/name] and [name]Joe[/name] could be a nn for [name]Jonas[/name], anyway. I almost like the idea of a [name]Stephen[/name] [name]Andrew[/name] M. going by [name]Sam[/name] a little better.

I thought about doing it with my daughter, but we had something else we loved. My own name is [name]Rachel[/name], and my initials are RCHL. I often tease my husband that I married him to get the L I needed. I have two students this year with the initials [name]AMY[/name] and ZCH. Guess what their names are? I also know a little boy named for his two grandfathers – [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Edward[/name] and called [name]Jed[/name]. I think it can be really cool, but wouldn’t chose something I didn’t love just to make it work.

I don’t really have a problem with it, as long as you don’t set out to use the initials [name]SAM[/name] just to get [name]Sam[/name] when his first name would be [name]Samuel[/name]… [name]Jack[/name] [name]August[/name] [name]Cole[/name] ([name]JAC[/name]) is my second favorite boys’ name, and I didn’t set out to do it purposely, but I don’t mind it now that it’s happened–I actually think it’s kinda cute. :slight_smile:

I actually love this idea! I picked a girls combo that I really hope to use for my future daughter. [name]Tabitha[/name] [name]Isobel[/name] Bragg, making TIB for her nickname. I don’t know if anyone else loves it but I do!

I think it’s cute if the initials spell out a nickname. Also initials aren’t brought up in daily life, so it could be more of a family thing.

My name is [name]Kimberly[/name] [name]Irene[/name] M(lastname). I go by [name]Kim[/name]. I think it’s pretty neat!

However, I do remember getting reemed out by a 4th grade teacher when told to sign my initials onces, and I wrote [name]Kim[/name], and he was all “I said your initials, not your name! Unless your middle name is [name]Ursula[/name] or something” and I was like “[name]Ursula[/name] starts with a U”, but I digress…

Go for it!

My grandmother kept giving my mother suggestions for this when we were born. Our last name starts with M, so we could have had plenty…[name]PAM[/name], [name]SAM[/name], [name]KIM[/name], [name]JIM[/name], [name]TIM[/name], [name]TOM[/name]…
…But we didn’t. I don’t think it’s a bad idea, but it would be hard to mark things with initials and not get confused as to “Is this [name]Tom[/name] [name]Smith[/name]'s, or [name]TOM[/name]'s?”


I actually knew of a sibset where their father did that. He was a nickname nerd, so all the kids had their initials spell out a name.
Surname started with an A, so it was way easy.
[name]Nicholas[/name] [name]Oliver[/name] A - [name]Noa/name
[name]Lindsey[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] (I think) A - [name]Lea/name
[name]Ashley[/name] [name]Nicole[/name] A - [name]Ana[/name]

Fun and harmless :slight_smile: I don’t think it’s either cool or kitsch, really, it just is.

Agreed with the others who said there’s not much point if they aren’t names you love and were planning to use, anyway.