If you’d happen to marry an Irish person and you’d want to honour their heritage through the names you choose for your kids, how would you name them? You can have as many kids with as many mn and fn as you like but they have to be of Irish origin. Here are mine:
Girl: [name_u]Quinn[/name_u] [name_u]Galway[/name_u]
Second Girl: Irelyn [name_f]Ailis[/name_f]
Boy: [name_u]Roan[/name_u] [name_u]Sullivan[/name_u]
Second Boy: [name_m]Connor[/name_m] [name_u]Darren[/name_u]
I kinda did, though have no papers for it. We used the names Ma.nannan (called Ma.nan) and A.mer.gin (pronounced Av-er-in- a ridiculous anglicisation in spelling, regret this though love the name and the background, it was partner’s choice). Also not terribly keen the name Manannan, partner’s choice again, though Ma.nan suits well (and is actually a proper name by itself).
Am not very experienced in your name games here (can’t recall at will!) so won’t join in. I did buy an Irish names book at 12 whilst on holiday, haha! [name_m]Will[/name_m] throw out a couple from the top of my head that may be a bit more unknown. I do still love Irish names but many feel quite common to me now.
We considered Ailill (gender bending for our girl). I like Siofra too in similar theme (fairy names). Our baby had a cousin named at same time [name_u]Fiadh[/name_u], which is becoming very popular in [name_f]Ireland[/name_f] now. Fiach might suit a dark/ haired baby. Ailbe as a middle I liked (would suit a blondie). Almost forgot used Da.nu as middle and had considered [name_f]Anu[/name_f] (the first is pronounced Dah-nu, the latter, a name from not just [name_f]Ireland[/name_f], with stress on U, I believe- from friend who used the name).
My own name is an Irish county. Oh and was reintroduced to [name_f]Sunniva[/name_f] here which I am liking and has an Irish connection.
I’m only part Irish, but if I ever married an Irish person I would love to go all-out! ([name_m]Even[/name_m] if that includes names no longer commonly used in [name_f]Ireland[/name_f]!)
I am an Irish name enthusiast! I have a bunch of Gaelic names that I absolutely adore, as well as enough Irish in me to pull them off, but when it comes down to it I don’t know I’d be brave enough to use them as firsts. If I were to go for it, I’d pick:
[name_f]Saoirse[/name_f] [name_f]Kathleen[/name_f]
[name_m]Eamon[/name_m] [name_m]Patrick[/name_m]
[name_f]Caoimhe[/name_f] [name_f]Eileen[/name_f]
I love Irish names! Unfortunately, I’d probably Anglicize the first names, at least, since I’m American and many of my favorites are rarely used here.
[name_u]Keeva[/name_u] [name_f]Honora[/name_f]
[name_f]Maeve[/name_f] [name_f]Fiona[/name_f]
[name_f]Sorcha[/name_f] [name_f]Eilish[/name_f]
I love Irish names and my Mother is in fact Irish she gave me the Irish name of [name_f]Niamh[/name_f] (pronounced Neeve)
I think if I were to honour my heritage through Irish names for my children I would choose Taidgh [name_m]Eoghan[/name_m]
[name_f]Isolt[/name_f] maeve