I'm influencing my husband's Pokemon nickname choices

My husband does shiny hunting (searching for rare, alternate coloured “shiny” Pokemon through various methods) and always nicknames his shinies. I give him name suggestions, and he tends to use them.
Some recent examples (if you don’t know what the Pokemon looks like, you can look it up):

Perdita (Pumpkaboo)
Phrixus (Phantump)
Charles (Charizard)
Hannelore (Hatterene)
Raphael (Galarian Ponyta)


[name_u]Charles[/name_u] for Charizard is really cute. In [name_u]Omega[/name_u] [name_u]Ruby[/name_u], I named my [name_m]Shiny[/name_m] Banette [name_f]Bernadette[/name_f], lol

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I play pokemon go, i love naming them

Haha, here’s some nicknames I’ve seen other people use:


Hulk Smash - shiny Machamp
Dark [name_u]Phoenix[/name_u] - [name_u]Shadow[/name_u] Moltress
Skittles - Galarian Rapidash
[name_m]Simba[/name_m] & [name_f]Nala[/name_f] - m&f Pyroar
[name_m]Moby[/name_m] [name_m]Dick[/name_m] - wailord
Super Sonic - Sandslash
Verizon - Virizon
Godzilla - Tyranitar
Dragontales - Dragonite
[name_f]Hydra[/name_f] & Ghidora- Hydreigon
Saburtooth - Raikou
Kingpin - Snorlax
Tramp Stamp - Butterfree
Mr. Lime - shiny Mr. Mime
[name_u]Nikki[/name_u] Minaj - [name_f]Jynx[/name_f]
Shenron - Rayquaza

and many more

I’ll pick a pokemon from each gen and I’ll give it a nickname

I would nickname a Seaking: Pisces
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: Pisces is symbolized by fish

I would nickname a Houndoom: [name_f]Bonita[/name_f]
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: BONE + [name_f]Bonita[/name_f]

I would nickname an Exploud: Bansheena
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: Banshee + [name_f]Sheena[/name_f]

I would nickname a Toxicroak: [name_m]Dart[/name_m]
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: Poison DART Frog

I would nickname a Mienshao: [name_f]Maurine[/name_f]
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: Not much besides a lot of the same letters

I would nickname a Meowstic: [name_u]Beau[/name_u]
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: Not much just cute

I would nickname a Lurantis: Sparmint
[name_u]Reason[/name_u]: Sparring + [name_f]Mint[/name_f]

I would nickname a Yamper: [name_u]Chelsea[/name_u]
A Corgi deserves a cute name

love! i named my beloved arcanine “ares”
this was about a year and a half ago or i guess now almost two years ago! id probably choose a different name now lol

i cant remember the others i named i havent touched pokemon sword in at least a year

Meanwhile my BF is giggling at naming his “Stinky” lol. Good names!