I'M INSANE, CALLING ALL BERRIES. Future sibset suggestions for Oliver and Nathaniel?

So babies are still a few years away for me, but that certainly hasn’t stopped me from obsessing over baby names since the age of 12. lol…I need some help berries; basically I like to have a go-to list of 3 favorite girl names and 3 favorite boy names. I have the girl names squared away but i’m missing one boy. Right now I have [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Nathaniel[/name] to be a future sibset but I can’t find a 3rd to fit it. My standards are a bit high haha they are: 1. Must contain the letter L but not start with letters “A” “C” “O” “N” or the letter L itself (i’ll explain later) 2. I have a vintage theme going, Victorian era til about the 1940’s is where my taste mostly lies and 3. I prefer it to have 3 syllabals because [name]Oliver[/name] and [name]Nathaniel[/name] are 3 syllabals. I know I know, i’m insane. ANY suggestions are welcome, I would be willing to break my own rules for a great find and if somehow you can find a name that is within all 3 preferences you are truly amazing. (also I aplogize for any typos, this was posted from my cellphone so things are a bit off lol) Thank you!

Hmm, quite tricky.

  • No A, C, L, N, O names.
  • contains the letter L
  • Vintage theme, notably Victorian - 1940’s
  • Preferably three syllables

[name]Elijah[/name]? Not really vintage, but it’s got biblical ties so it could theoretically count
[name]Eli[/name] - Only 2 syllables though
[name]Felix[/name] - not very vintage, and only 2 syllables
[name]Samuel[/name] - not very vintage, only 2 syllables
[name]Silas[/name] - only 2 syllables
[name]Walter[/name] - only 2 syllables


@east93 I wish I wasn’t so high matience in this area of my life haha. The “no starting with letter…” rule is only because of other names I have in my list that start with those letters. I really liked your suggestions! I’ve considered [name]Elijah[/name] for quite a bit but i’m not totally in love it, but hey it took a little while for me to start growing fond of [name]Nathaniel[/name] so who knows :slight_smile: thank you for the help!!

@random [name]Valentin[/name] jumped out to me from your suggestions. I’ve always kinda had a soft spot for those names, [name]Valentino[/name], [name]Romeo[/name], etc. might just be the Italian in me but still lol thank you!

I think [name]Oliver[/name], [name]Nathaniel[/name], and [name]William[/name] sound great with each other!!!

@brfecher it does! I know a ton of [name]Williams[/name] though so it could get kind of weird haha but if I ever decided to go with [name]William[/name] the nickname [name]Liam[/name] could be used, thanks! :slight_smile: