Imaginary Birth Announcements: New Version

Fill out the whole form for your imaginary birth announcement.

Baby’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Original Due Date:
Weeks Pregnant:
Baby’s Weight:
Baby’s Length:
Birth [name_u]Story[/name_u]:

Baby’s Name: Octavia Mirabel
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: Dec. 20th, 2021
Original Due Date: Jan. 11th, 2022
Weeks Pregnant: 37 wks
Baby’s Weight: 4 lbs
Baby’s Length: 8 oz.
Birth Story: Octavia came on a chilly december night. I was planning on having a water birth but because the cord was wrapped around her neck, we had to have a c-section. She joins Juniper Olivia, better know as Olive.

@Sophie_sawriter You can post on this as many times you want

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Baby’s Name: Josette Addison “Josie”
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: Oct. 13th, 2021
Original Due Date: Oct. 6th, 2021
Weeks Pregnant: 41 wks
Baby’s Weight: 7 lbs, 9 oz.
Baby’s Length: 18 in.
Birth Story: Josie was induced on the morning of the thirteenth of October. She was a week over due. I was not surprised because she was my first & I’d heard they took a while but the doctor decided it’d be best to induce. She came out healthy & screaming.

@Sophie_sawriter [name_m]Can[/name_m] you post on this every day?

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Baby’s Name: Carolyn Pepper “Pepper”
Sex: F
Date of Birth: 10/14/2021
Original Due Date: 10/16/2022
Weeks Pregnant: 40
Baby’s Weight: 8 lbs, 2 oz.
Baby’s Length: 21 in.
Birth Story: Pepper was born on October 14th though she wasn’t expected 'til the 16th.She was bigger than either of her siblings & had to be forcepted out near the end & her daddy had to go to the ER in the middle of her birth to get every bone in his right hand reset but for the most part her birth went smoothly. Her sibling’s are Winston Ezra “Ezra” (5 lbs, 0 oz., 03/21/2019) & Thomas Kayden “Kayden” (4 lbs, 8 oz., 07/18/2020)

Baby’s Name: Rose Renee & May Alice
Sex: female
Date of Birth: February 18 - 5:05pm & 5:11pm
Original Due Date: February 18
Weeks Pregnant: 38
Baby’s Weight: 6lb 5oz & 6lb 9oz
Baby’s Length: 16in & 17in
Birth story: The twins were born on their scheduled c-section date. Our little Rose and sweet May join older siblings Henry Michael (4) and Elizabeth Jane (7).

Baby’s Name: Ronan Peregrine “Pippin”
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 10/12/2021
Original Due Date: 11/30/2021
Weeks Pregnant: 33 wks
Baby’s Weight: 4 lbs, 2 oz.
Baby’s Length: 17.5 in.
Birth Story: Pippin was born seven weeks too early. The doctor performed an emergency c-section due to the fact he was so early. He would join sister Rebecca Maude “Becca” (4 lbs, 10 oz., 19 in., 06/21/2020) on his original due date.

Baby’s name: [name_u]Holland[/name_u] [name_f]Sophia[/name_f]
Sex: [name_f]Girl[/name_f]
Date of Birth: 24th [name_u]November[/name_u] 2022
Original Due Date: 30th [name_u]November[/name_u] 2022
Weeks Pregnant: 39 weeks
Baby’s Weight: 3.3kg
Baby’s Length: 48cm
Birth [name_u]Story[/name_u]: [name_u]Holland[/name_u] came a week early 13 minutes after midnight. [name_u]Holland[/name_u] joins big sister [name_f]Caroline[/name_f] [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] and big brother [name_m]Jethro[/name_m] [name_m]Alexander[/name_m].

Baby’s Names: Ottilie Siobhan “Tillie” and Jameson Riley “Jamie”
Sex: Girl/Boy Twins
Date of Birth: December 24, 2020 at 11:57 PM (Ottilie) and December 25, 2020 at 12:09 AM (Jameson)
Original Due Date: December 25, 2020
Weeks Pregnant: 40 weeks
Baby’s Weights: Ottilie-7 pounds, 1 ounce and Jameson- 4 pounds, 4 ounces
Baby’s Lengths: Ottilie- 21 inches and Jameson 17 inches
Birth Story: Ottilie was born at home 3 minutes before her due date. My husband was very speedily grabbing all of our bags so we could get to the hospital. I was in extreme pain and I collapsed right next to our Christmas tree. After just 2 minutes of pushing, our little Christmas gift, Tillie was born under the tree. I work in labor and delivery so I knew that Tillie was healthy just by looking at her. At 12:01 the ambulence finally arrived and they confirmed that Tillie was healthy and they raced me to the hospital to deliver Jameson. We arrived at the hospital at 12:07 and Jamie was delivered on the strecher in the hallway right before we got to our room. Jamie was rushed off to the NICU right away while Tillie got to stay with us. At 7:00 AM, my mom brought our older daughter, Eloise Ruth “Ellie”, to the hospital with a mini Christmas tree and some hot cocoa so we could still celebrate. Eloise loved her siblings and they even let Jameson come into the room for a few minutes. Tilly came home the next day and Jamie came home a week later.

baby’s name: catrin solstice
sex: female
date of birth: december 21, 2022 at 1:17 am
original due date: january 25, 2023
weeks pregnant: 35 weeks
baby’s weight: 5 lbs 7 oz
baby’s height: 17 inches
birth story: early morning (about 5:45 am) december 20, i started to feel contractions similar to what i had been told braxton hicks were. i assumed it was false labor and kicked my feet up, drinking a glass of water. about an hour later, the contractions became worse, and i grew worried i was having catrin. originally we had planned to have a home birth, a birthing center being our backup plan in case things went awry, however when i realized the contractions were not in fact braxton hicks, we packed up and zoomed off to the hospital. we got there at about 7:30 am before being admitted to l&d, where we stayed all day. when we went into the hospital, catrin’s first name was decided on and we left several middle name options to pick from when she was born. catrin’s middle name - solstice - was one that popped into my head immediately after i found out she was going to be born in winter, however i quickly wrote it off due to her edd being over a month after the winter solstice. i hadn’t bothered bringing it up to k as i assumed it would be turned down right away, and originally preferred for a boy, though it still loomed in the back of my mind. i loved the name for it’s meaning (the moment when the sun stands still), the imagery it brought to mind, and also the idea that a solstice brought a new beginning. another one of my favorite book characters (from the same series as catrin) was born on the winter solstice. the book (and characters subsequently) got me back into reading and starting my writing journey eventually leading me to my current job and life, and the date became very special to me because of that. every year i celebrate winter solstice with k and it’s an extremely important date to me and us. when i was five months pregnant, i remember sitting k down and talking to him about the name and why it was special to me, and why i wanted to use it. k told me it was a strong contender, but reminded me that we wanted to keep our options open and not commit to something just yet. in the end, we were considering ruth, juno, and nimue for catrin’s middle name, and i remember looking at k while having a contraction at 12:13 am on december 21 (coincidently the winter solstice) and trying to communicate through my eyes “this is it. solstice is her middle name.”, and it must’ve worked because shortly after k said “it’s catrin solstice, it’s got to be catrin solstice!” and that was that! she came at 1:17 am, after 34 minutes of pushing, and stayed in the nicu for two days, before joining us in our room. we left after four days in the hospital, arriving home at 12:17 am on the 25, just in time for catrin to celebrate her first christmas.
her name feels perfect, and like it was decided by her (she just had to make her appearance on the solstice :sweat_smile:). together it means “the pure moment when the sun stands still” and it is everything i could’ve hoped for.

baby’s name: alma bea
sex: female
date of birth: june 23, 2022 at 3:55 pm
weeks pregnant: 38 weeks 1 day
baby’s weight: 6 lbs 3 oz
baby’s height: 19 inches
birth story: [name_u]Alma[/name_u] was born at on [name_u]June[/name_u] 23 at 38 weeks 1 day, weighing 6 lbs 3 oz and was 19 inches long, making her my second largest baby! She arrived at 3:55 pm after 12 hours and the most perfect home birth I could’ve asked for. We checked of nearly every box in my perfect birth plan besides two, one of which being her making it to at least 39 weeks, and the other being having my kids there. Obviously the 39 week mark wasn’t going to be very likely (my other kids were born at 37 weeks, 37 weeks, and 33 weeks respectively, so my doctors didn’t expect me to make it any longer than that, even 38 weeks was a very pleasant and welcomed surprise), however I was surprised that when the time came to have [name_u]Alma[/name_u], I decided that it was overwhelming to have all four kids there and chose to have their grandparents come get them instead!
Another thing I was surprised about was the fact that we ended up changing her name! We went into the birth with three names, Silvia/Sylvia which we both loved, [name_f]Sybil[/name_f] which K loved, and [name_u]Alma[/name_u] which I loved, all of which would have the middle name [name_f]Bea[/name_f]. Shortly after she was born K asked me if I’d decided on a name. Feeling pressure to pick one, I chose [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] and announced it to him, my doula, and midwife. It was a sweet moment, K looked very happy with my choice, and both my midwife and doula clapped before complementing us on the name. Immediately after, I felt like I chose wrong, but decided to chalk it up to labor hormones and continue on using it. After writing the name down in a draft of a message to my parents (which I then decided to delete and tell them over facetime), I realized I didn’t like the way [name_f]Sylvie[/name_f] or [name_f]Sylvia[/name_f] looked. So then I tried [name_f]Silvia[/name_f] and [name_f]Silvie[/name_f]. It kept reminding me of silver and saliva! So I broke into tears. Obviously the most natural and productive response!
K came up to me concerned as to why I was crying, and I looked down to the baby and back up to him and shouted, “That’s not her name! She’s not a Sylvia!” as if I was [name_f]Rachel[/name_f] from friends. He then said, “That’s okay, it’s okay.” like the supportive man he is :rofl: I then exclaimed, “I’m sorry, she’s not a [name_f]Sybil[/name_f] either! I tried to love it for you, but I just can’t!” he chuckled saying, “It’s okay!” Starting to cry again, I shouted, “She’s an [name_u]Alma[/name_u], I’m sorry she’s an [name_u]Alma[/name_u]! I know you hate it, but she’s got to be an Alma!” Of course he doubled over in laughter, “I never have said I hated [name_u]Alma[/name_u]! I love it, and you’re right she’s an [name_u]Alma[/name_u], how could she be anything different.” Apparently that wasn’t good enough for me because I continuously asked him if he was sure about [name_u]Alma[/name_u] :sweat_smile: But it’s been nearly five weeks since her birth, and I could not be happier with her and her name.