You can either choose freely (just reveal all the spoilers) or you can use the directions!
Number of Children
if your bedding is…
blue / green - Two would be brilliant, they’d always have someone to play with!
yellow / orange - I prefer uneven numbers, so three it is!
floral pattern - Four are perfect, why would you ever want an uneven number of children?!
non-floral pattern - One handful please, both literally and metaphorically.
multiple colours - In this case, it should be a magical number, and what’s more magical than seven?!
pink / red / purple - one and one - so eleven it is!
black / beige / grey - thirteen may not seem like a lucky number but it is when you’re counting your children!
completely white: I want to be part of “the biggest wizarding families in Europe”, my family is growing every year!
Pattern of Children
1 - 13 children - follow the sequence until you have your correct number of children (or more because your last one was surprise multiples)!
Biggest Family Ever - go through every number of the sequence!
GIRL = even number
BOY = odd number
11, 55, 77 - Boy Twins
22, 44, 88 - Girl Twins
33, 66, 99 - B/G Twins
10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 - Triplets
You get two of the same sex as the child before the triplets and one of the same sex as the child after the triplets.
If the triplets are your last children, you get three of the opposite sex as the child before.
Random Sequences
If your top is…
black or grey - 67, 23, 60, 98, 85, 44, 82, 77, 89, 55, 22, 36, 80
white or beige - 63, 93, 48, 33, 39, 90, 65, 86, 92, 41, 45, 99, 96
pink, purple or red - 95, 72, 62, 94, 64, 26, 37, 87, 54, 20, 91, 43, 32
blue, turquoise or green - 61, 59, 50, 27, 25, 30, 71, 70, 88, 38, 28, 56, 51
yellow or orange - 23, 49, 20, 12, 93, 45, 91, 33, 53, 69, 27, 65, 02
floral or animal print - 60, 82, 17, 48, 19, 52, 26, 27, 13, 14, 32, 24, 03
other pattern - 92, 58, 37, 87, 04, 89, 29, 38, 85, 71, 91, 41, 35
has writing/font on it - 82, 92, 45, 72, 54, 55, 89, 71, 29, 35, 99, 12, 66
There will be no individual name banks but there will be challenges.
Your ideal home would be…
An old cottage by the sea - 1. The more the merrier - or the more powerful? Either way, all your children need to be given four names. You can choose if they are hyphenated or not.
A Georgian townhouse in the middle of the city - 2. You know that names have power; and because you want to give all your children the same chances in life, they all must have the same number of syllables in their full name.
A camper van to travel the continent with - 3. There’s something special about children that are born close to one another, even if they are not twins, so you give every two children opposite initials.
A big lofty flat in the hip part of town - 4. You are a rather progressive member of society, all your combos must include one name of the opposite sex.
A countryside manor with stables - 5. You know there is something powerful about repeated sounds, either all girls’ names or all boys’ names must start or end with the same letter.
A farmhouse with lots of animals - 6. You live most of your life among non-magic people, choose first names that would blend in but show your magical side in your children’s middle names.
An old hut in the middle of the mountains - 7. Perhaps you’ve always liked dark magic a little more than charms, give your children names that reflect that darker side of yours.
A house you build yourself, very eclectic but also very cozy - 8. Some prefer a neat set, you go against the rules and prefer an interesting mix - give your children names that do not go together.
Choose at least 1 name (2 if you get the 4-name challenge) for every child from this list.
Acacius, Acantha, Adair, Adda, Adelaida, Adelina, Adir, Adrastea, Adrasteia, Adèle, Aelita, Aelius, Aenon, Aglaia, Agusti, Agustín, Aifric, Aina, Ainara, Aitana, Alaia, Alameda, Alan, Alaysia, Alba, Albertano, Aldo, Alejandra, Alejandro, Aleksi, Aleksy, Alessandra, Alfeo, Alfonso, Alienor, Alinor, Alipio, Alodia, Aloisia, Alondra, Alonso, Alonzo, Altair, Althea, Alvaro, Amabel, Amabilia, Amaia, Amarantha, Amato, Amatus, Amelia, Amitai, Ampelio, Ana, Anais, Anatole, Andile, Andres, Anfisa, Annukka, Annuska, Anthea, Anthimos, Antonia, Antonio, Antonín, Anush, Anwir, Apollo, Apollonia, Apolonia, Appoline, Aquila, Araceli, Aragon, Araminta, Aramis, Aranza, Arcadia, Arcadius, Arcturus, Arely, Arethusa, Argus, Ariadna, Ariadne, Arista, Aristides, Aristodemos, Ariston, Arlet, Armando, Armas, Arnall, Arnau, Arnulfo, Aroa, Arsinoe, Artem, Artemisia, Arvil, Asim, Asterios, Asterope, Atalanta., Atenea, Athanasia, Athanasius, Athena, Athenais, Atlas, Attilio, Audra, Aurelia, Aureliano, Aurelius, Aurembiaix, Auriol, Austėja, Avalon, Avellana, Avelot, Avra, Azucena, Azul, Azura, Bahia, Baila, Basil, Basilius, Basir, Baya, Beatriz, Bedo, Belen, Bellerophon, Beltrán, Belén, Benicio, Bennett, Beowolf, Betsabe, Blanca, Boadicea, Borealis, Boys, Brisa, Bruno*, Cadell, Caelia, Cainan, Callisto, Callistus, Camila, Candelario, Canela, Caoimhe, Carina, Carla, Carlos, Carlota, Carmen, Carolina*, Caruso, Casilda, Casimir, Casimiro, Cassander, Cassiope, Catalina, Cayetana, Cayetano, Cebrian, Cecco, Cecilia, Celeste, Celia, Cendrillon, Cereza, Cicero, Circe, Ciro, Clara, Clear, Cleo, Cleo Clio, Coco, Comhnall, Concepción, Conrad, Consuelo, Corazon, Cordeilla, Cosimo, Crescencia, Crescentia, Crispin, Crispinus, Cruz, Curly, Danica, Daniela, Danute, David, Delfina, Delphia, Delvina, Despina, Dia, Diana, Didac, Dido, Diego, Dimitri, Dmitri, Dolores, Domingo, Dorin, Dulce, Dulcie, Dulcinea, Echo, Efrén, Eiddon, Eileifr, Eilir, Eirenaios, Eirwyn, Eithne, Elektra, Elen, Elena, Eleni, Eleonora, Elfin, Elfyn, Elia, Elidur, Elio, Elisa, Eliseo, Elixane, Elmira, Elmo, Elodia, Eloisa, Elphin, Elpida, Elsinore, Elvira, Elvire, Elwen, Emilia, Emiliano, Emilio, Emro, Eneko, Ennio, Enyo, Eosphoros, Epona, Erasmo, Erasmus, Erendira, Ermo, Erol, Esai, Esmond, Esteban, Estella, Estrella, Ethylen, Eudocia, Eudora, Eugenio, Eulalia, Eulalio, Eulogius, Euphemia, Europa, Eusebia, Eustaquio, Euthalia, Euthymius, Eutimio, Eva, Evadne, Evaristo, Even, Evgenia, Ezequiel, Ezio, Fabiana, Fabiola, Fausto, Feivel, Felipe, Ferdinand, Ferdinanda, Fermín, Fernanda, Fernando, Fernán, Ffion, Fiametta, Fidelma, Fionnuala, Fiore, Fiorella, Flor, Florencio, Florestan, Florido, Floro, Fons, Freyr, Froilán, Fátima, Félix, Gabriela*, Gerónima, Ginés, Gloria, Golden, Gonzalo*, Gracia, Graciela, Gregorio, Guadalupe, Guillermo, Guzmán, Gwili, Gwion, Gwydion, Gwyn, Hebe, Helene, Heloïse, Hermine, Hernán, Hero, Heroic, Hesione, Hespera, Hesperia, Hesperus, Hestia, Hidalgo, Hippocrates, Horacio, Hugo, Hyperion, ISeult, Ianthe, Ibelis, Idalia, Ifor, Ignacio, Ignacio nn Nacho, Ignatius, Iisakki, Iker, Inara, Inés, Iodocus, Iolanthe, Iori, Iphigenia, Ira, Irenaeus, Irene, Ireneus, Irini, Iris, Isabel, Isidor, Isidora, Isidro, Isla, Isocrates, Isolda, Iune, Ivor, Iñaki, Jac, Jacinta, Jacinto, Jade, Jago, Jara, Javier, Jesús nn Chucho, Joaquin, Joaquina, Jonatas, Joon, Josefa, José, Juan, Julia, Julieta, Julio, Justo, Kala, Kalliope, Kallisto, Kalypso, Kasia, Katina, Kika, Lada, Laia, Lara, Laura, Lazaro, Lazarus, Lear, Leda, Leifr, Leir, Leire, Leni, Lenore, Leo, Leocadia, Leonardo, Leoncio, Leonel, Leonor*, Leonti, Leontia, Leticia, Leto, Leya, Leyre, Lienzo, Liliosa, Lionel, Lir, Llew, Lluvia, Llyr, Loefric, Lola, Long List, Lope, Lorena, Lorenzo, Lourdes, Lubov, Lucas, Lucasta, Lucia, Lucinda, Lucine, Lucretia, Lucía, Luis, Luisa, Luisana, Luna, Lupita, Luz, Lysandra, Líle, Macaria, Maceo, Maffeo, Mahogany, Maia, Maite, Manuel, Mar, Marcos, Mareva, Margarita, Mari, Marina, Mariposa, Maris, Marisol, Maritza, Marta, Martez, Martina*, Martín*, María, Masha, Mateo, Math, Matias, Matilda, Matteo, Mauro, Maximiliano, Maximo, Meical, Melanthios, Melpomene, Mencía, Mentor, Metis, Miguel, Mikiter, Milivoj, Millicent, Minerva, Mira, Mireia, Montez, Mordecai, Morwen, Mungo, Myron, Myrtis, Máximo, Mélisande, Nahia, Naia, Naiara, Nanuq, Narcisa, Nazaret, Nello, Nemesis, Nerea, Nereus, Neri, Nerissa, Nero, Nestor, Neva, Nevada, Nevara, Nevil, Nicaise, Nicander, Nicandro, Nicanor, Nicasio, Niccolò, Nicodemus, Nicolás*, Nicomedes, Nikon, Nilo, Noelia, Noemi, Noor, Nova, Noè, Nuño, Nymphias, Obsidian, Ohiyesa, Olalla, Olaya / Olalla, Olegario, Olena, Olindo, Olympias, Olympos, Olyntheus, Onora, Orabela, Orfeo, Orinthia, Orlando, Oro, Osian, Ossian, Otava, Otello, Otieno, Otilia, Ottoline, Ottone, Paloma, Pantaleon, Panteleimon, Paola, Paula, Pavlina, Peetu, Pelagia, Penelope, Pepita, Perdita, Peredur, Perla, Pernilla, Perpetua, Petko, Petrona, Petronella, Petronilla, Petula, Phaedra, Philadelphus, Philander, Philemon, Philomel, Philomela, Philomena, Pilar, Pilar , Pio, Pip, Pippo, Plinius, Pollux, Porfirio, Proserpina, Psyche, Páll, Queralt, Querida, Rafa, Ramon, Ramona, Rani, Ravinder, Reina, Reyes, Ria, Rio, Rivka, Roberto, Rocio, Rocío, Rodrigo, Rodrigo*, Romolo, Roos, Rosa, Rosalita, Rosamel, Rosario, Rosaura, Rosemonde, Rosina, Rozalija, Rufina, Sabella, Salima, Salvador, Samu, Sancho, Sandra, Santos, Sapirion, Sapririon, Saturnino, Septima, Serapion, Seren, Shota, Sierra, Silvestra, Siofra, Siona, Sitti, Soccora, Socorro, Sol, Solana, Soledad, Soleil, Sonnie, Sophonias, Sophronia, Sosius, Souline, Sura, Sybella, Tadeas, Tadeo, Taio, Talitha, Tamara, Tempest, Teo, Teodora, Teresa, Thais, Thalia, Thema, Theodosia, Theotimus, Thisbe, Tiza, Tomasa, Tomás, Tulio, Tullio, Ulises, Unisex, Ursa, Valencia, Valeri, Valeria, Valerius, Valloma, Vano, Vasile, Vela, Ventura, Very, Vespasian, Vesta, Viator, Viatrix, Vicente, Victorine, Violet, Vittore, Vivian, Viviana, Víctor, Walenty, Welsh, Wyre, Xavi, Xavia, Xavier, Xenie, Xiamara, Ximena, Xiomara, Xuxa, Yadira, Yaiza, Yareli, Yesenia, Yolanda, Ysabel, Yvonne, Zafar, Zafeiris, Zafer, Zahlia, Zamora, Zarja, Zelde, Zenaida, Zenobia, Zenovia, Zephyrine, Zephyrus, Zorion, Zosia, Zosime, Zosma, Zoya, Zéphyrine, Áilu, Álvaro, Æthelwin, Óscar, Úrsula
A little snippet just to set the mood and because I was bored and tired so if you find any spelling errors, congratulations, you get to keep them
You can skip this, but do answer the questions at the bottom:
You have just finished your wizard training, as you pack the last few books into your suitcase and roam the halls for the final time, you remember your first day here. The excitement and anxiety that you and your friends felt, though, they weren’t your friends yet, of course. Now they are your family. The relief and laughter that followed - years of laughter.
In that moment all you want is to go back to the beginning and experience it all again, and you almost cannot wait until your future children will roaming these halls and tell you all their adventures over the summer holiday. One day.
15 years later
and you are standing in the hallway of your home, a big suitcase in one hand and clutching the nervous hand of an eleven-year-old with the other. And wasn’t this hand so tiny only a few moments ago, full of paint, dirt, and flowers - later holding books, dolls, and collectible cards?
Now it appears that the child belonging to this once tiny hand is almost grown-up, off to school, only at home for the holidays.
They made you promise to write every day, but you know that you won’t be the one forgetting to write.
And you know that when that time comes, you will breathe a sigh of relief - happy that they feel at home and don’t miss you terribly anymore, but at the same time, your heart will break a little.
Tears start filling the corners of your eyes and before you can wipe them away, those happy-sad tears, your eleven-year-old looks up at you with those big eyes that have always seemed all-knowing to you and squeezes your hand tightly as if to say ‘we still have a little bit of time left’.
But time is a thief and before you could have cast any protective spell, it had already taken those precious last minutes before it was time to say your goodbyes.
Standing on the platform, it proved rather difficult to get your child’s attention, everything around them was new and interesting - literally magical. But once their luggage was all stowed away and the time of departure was only minutes away, they reappeared at the window, once again making you promise to write every day, not to forget them and to have them home every holiday, even the short ones. You had to laugh remembering making the same request so many years ago, only to send a letter home a month later to ask if you could spend term break at school.
But you can see in your child’s eyes that they mean every word and the worry in their face only subsides once you agree.
As the whistle blows you put all your energy into trying not to cry, instead you smile and wave until you can no longer see your child at the window, then, as if somebody had pushed a button, tears were streaming all around you and you couldn’t hold them back anymore either.
As you leave the platform, you start clenching the necklace your child made as a gift for you a little tighter.
Next year won’t be much easier, you say to yourself, thinking of your second child.
6 years later…
and your eldest is now in year 7.
which siblings joined them at school?
which siblings may not be in school yet?
how old are they and what are their names?
add as much detail as you’d like!