Imogen crisis!

[name]Maple[/name], thank you. Helps to hear that you think of [name]Imogen[/name] as playful yet grounded. And I love [name]Sol[/name], but DH has a friend with a dog named [name]Sol[/name], so it’s got that association for him.

[name]Rollo[/name], I have a love-hate with [name]Bluebell[/name]. I think it’s the silliest name around, but soooo irresistible at the same time!

[name]Marsy[/name], thanks for your vote. I can’t believe so many people are going for the monosyllabics! Cool.

Husband update: Things have been pared down.
[name]Marsh[/name] - He feels it doesn’t sparkle in this combination, probably not as special for him because it’s such an everyday name for him.
[name]Mimosa[/name] - “I knew a [name]Brandy[/name] [name]Miller[/name]. It was not good for her. I wonder about names that are also drinks…”
[name]Willow[/name] - Prefers [name]Acacia[/name] as a botanical name.
[name]Solange[/name] - “So long [name]Solange[/name]!”
And [name]Charis[/name] - We’ll keep it on the list, but only because it’s so close to Dear/[name]Chris[/name] (grandmother.) He thinks it’s “a stretch” and “If you want to name a kid [name]Charity[/name], name her [name]Charity[/name], or if you want to name her [name]Chris[/name], name her [name]Chris[/name].” [name]Oy[/name] vey.

So. Our top two are:

[name]Imogen[/name] Dear
[name]Imogen[/name] [name]Acacia[/name]

With [name]Imogen[/name] Solace and [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Charis[/name] hanging on in the background. I’m trying to find it in my heart to throw them overboard.

My vote goes to [name]Imogen[/name] Dear. It’s adorable!!!

Ok [name]Charis[/name] has gotten the heave-ho.

[name]Imogen[/name] Dear is the front-runner for my husband. The most emotionally resonant I guess. I also love it, but [name]Crispin[/name] would be honoring the same relative, so I’m not sure… Depends on what genders we end up with, to some degree.

[name]Imogen[/name] Solace and [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Acacia[/name] are tied for second. [name]Imogen[/name] Solace has beautiful phonetics, and it just makes me sigh. But it’s got no family significance. [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Acacia[/name] is a bit alliterated, so we’re not sure of it, but [name]Acacia[/name] sounds excellent with our last name, and it makes me think strongly of my maternal line.

I just read through the entire thread and I am sad that [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Charis[/name] got the heave-ho, but I completely understanding in trying to pair down the choices. Unfortunately that means some good ones have to go. :slight_smile:
My order of choice-

  1. [name]Imogen[/name] Dear- I agree with [name]Ottilie[/name] that is is adorable. [name]Love[/name], love, love it.
  2. [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Acacia[/name] - I love the nature name with [name]Imogen[/name], as well as there are always extra points for family significance in my book.
  3. [name]Imogen[/name] Solace - It sounds nice together and I like the word imagery of Solace. However, I don’t like it as much as the other two.

Good luck! You can’t go wrong with any of them.

Thanks [name]Katie[/name] for reading through this rambling process, and thanks for your ranking. I’d -probably- rank them in that order myself.
I still love the sound of [name]Imogen[/name] Solace, but I’m telling myself (for the sake of trying to fall out of love) that it sounds like
“Imma Gonzales”