Imogen has arrived!

[name]Imogen[/name] [name]Joan[/name] (pronounced the British way IM-O-[name]JEN[/name]) was born by c-section on [name]November[/name] 10th and is doing really well.
Her name suits her perfectly and honours my nanna [name]Joan[/name] too.
Thanks to everyone for the great suggestions along the way.

Congratulations on the birth of [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Joan[/name]! I think her name is darling, and I hope you’re doing well!

Thanks for the update! :slight_smile:

Best wishes to you!

Congratulations! [name]Imogen[/name] [name]Joan[/name] has a lovely name, and it’s great that it honours your grandmother.

Best wishes to you and your family!